Jenna came home yesterday afternoon. The surgery went really well. It's interesting though...the doctor said it wasn't what they had thought. The fundo was still intact, but the sutures had pulled through the muscle *ouch* She also had a hole in her diaphram, which they fixed. Poor baby :-( She seems to be experiencing quite a bit of pain, but the Lortab is helping. She was much smaller when she had the surgery initially, so I'm sure she's just learning to express herself more. She was much more sick before as well, so I'm sure that has something to do with it also.
Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving. I was pretty bummed to have a sick baby and be in the hospital during the holidays, but it was worth it knowing she will be better now. Thanks for praying everyone!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Jenna's surgery
I take Jenna to be admitted tomorrow for her surgery on Wednesday. Just a reminder, she's having her fundoplication re-done and she's having her hiatal hernia fixed. Ideally, she'll get to come home after 5 days of recovery. However, the surgeon's head nurse is making sure there is a bed for her in the PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit) simply because of what occurred after the initial surgery. Please pray she won't need that bed!
It will be so nice to have this surgery behind us. Jenna will be a much happier girl and will enjoy being on her tummy!!
It will be so nice to have this surgery behind us. Jenna will be a much happier girl and will enjoy being on her tummy!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
trying to understand
Sometimes there are things which are a struggle for someone dear to you and despite praying and seeking advice, their problems are still there. While the issue is there, it's reeking havoc on their life and on mine. I'm learning that I have to keep on praying and praying and praying...etc. I'm not sure if their problem will ever be resolved and if I will ever feel relief. I'm trying so hard to trust God with this. I'm not sure how much more I can handle; there's no way out...I'm stuck in this with this person.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
yesterday and the future
My three nieces, from next door, came over yesterday. I invited them over to make Mrs. Troop's Rice Krispy Treats recipe; by the way, they're SUPER yummy! I've also made her Lasagna recipe (easy and delicious)! Anyway, back to the subject at hand...the girls had been baking and making already that day and I think they were pooped when they came over! I got a little help, but most of the time was spent adoring Jenna. They all just love her so much. I told Jenna, as I was putting her to bed that night, that she better enjoy the attention while she can because their newest little sister will be arriving soon. Which brings me to my next topic...
Nick went to see a Urologist a while back to see about getting a vasectomy. Well...I just don't have peace about it, so we're not going through with the operation. I know you're probably thinking, "How could she possibly handle another one with all that is already taking place?" Well, I'm not thinking we'll try again right away, but perhaps four, five, or six years down the road. I'm only 29 and Nick's only 31; the thought of eliminating our opportunity to have more children someday, as young as we are, was really unbearable. Jenna's Endocrine doctors are really optimistic that she will grow-out of her glucose problems by the time she's 2, which would really take care of our primary concerns for her.
Okay...bring on the criticism...I can take it ;-)
Nick went to see a Urologist a while back to see about getting a vasectomy. Well...I just don't have peace about it, so we're not going through with the operation. I know you're probably thinking, "How could she possibly handle another one with all that is already taking place?" Well, I'm not thinking we'll try again right away, but perhaps four, five, or six years down the road. I'm only 29 and Nick's only 31; the thought of eliminating our opportunity to have more children someday, as young as we are, was really unbearable. Jenna's Endocrine doctors are really optimistic that she will grow-out of her glucose problems by the time she's 2, which would really take care of our primary concerns for her.
Okay...bring on the criticism...I can take it ;-)
Joshua's cuteness
Joshua has started asking, "Are you okay?" It usually sounds more like, "Y'kay?" He asks whenever he feels like he needs to check-in on me. I answer, "I'm okay. Are you okay?" He answers, "Yeah!" So stinkin' cute. I think he started asking this because I always ask him if he's okay when he falls or bonks something.
Joshua has also taken a HUGE interest in entertaining Jenna. He LOVES making her smile and laugh. At this very moment, he's trying to teach her to give 5's. He's such a good big brother. He loves his little sister so much :-)
Joshua has also taken a HUGE interest in entertaining Jenna. He LOVES making her smile and laugh. At this very moment, he's trying to teach her to give 5's. He's such a good big brother. He loves his little sister so much :-)
Friday, November 14, 2008
My Husband Rocks

My Husband Rocks because he knows how to comfort me during a melt-down. Last weekend was exceptionally stressful and emotionally draining and he knew just what to say and held me in his big, strong arms and let me bawl like a baby. We've been really stressed and drained dealing with Jenna's medical problems, bills, etc. Thanks honey, for loving me through the difficult times and all the times in between.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I just had to post these old pictures of Joshua. I can't believe how much he's grown-up. Makes me tear-up everytime I think about how much he's changed.
My parents were here during Jenna's surgery and still had these on their camera!
Talk about a gold mine!
Here's one of my favorite pictures of Jenna. This was in early September.
She looks like she's saying, "Awww mom. Another picture?"
vaccinations and family fun (interesting combo)
The first part of the day wasn't a very fun one for the kiddos. Jenna received her 6 month vaccinations + her flu shot. Poor Joshua had no clue he was getting one too! They both took it like a pair of champs :-) I think the reason Joshua did so well was because he was in my arms looking over my shoulder and really didn't know it was coming. I pulled down his pants so the nurse could reach his thigh and she did it as painlessly as possible. As soon as she was done, I gave Joshua some crackers and he was happy as a clam :-)
Afterwards, we headed-out to meet-up with my SIL and her zoo at a local park. Here are some majorly cute pictures and a video of our fun together. You will need to pause the music at the bottom of the page in order to hear the video. Enjoy!!

Afterwards, we headed-out to meet-up with my SIL and her zoo at a local park. Here are some majorly cute pictures and a video of our fun together. You will need to pause the music at the bottom of the page in order to hear the video. Enjoy!!

L to R: Parrot, Lion Cub, Monkey, and Joshua

Look at Lion Cub...he's yellin' "yee-haw!"
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
thank you and pictures
Once again, thank you to everyone for your encouragement and unconditional friendship. Despite how difficult the weekend was, Nick and I have drawn closer and were able to open up more to each other about how we're both feeling. God used a frustrating situation for His glory and it was worth it. Thank you Jesus for having patience with me and for never giving-up on your frazzled daughter!
Here are some long ago promised pictures of Jenna and some cute ones of big brother :-)
"I'm ready for my close-up!"
Sleeping Angel
Lunch time!
10 minutes later...I didn't even get the chance to clean his face!
Monday, November 10, 2008
i almost waved the white flag of surrender
So, Friday was an interesting day. Joshua had a dirty diaper and decided to dig around in it. Don't you love it when they do that? Yuck!! Joshua found it amusing because of all the gagging and disgusted faces I made as I cleaned him up. Sometimes I think he does stuff like that just do get a rouse out of me. Little toot!
Jenna had an early appointment with Dr. Tuggle (pediatric surgeon) regarding her fundoplication and hernia. The double stroller (arriving tomorrow) can't come soon enough! Joshua's harness was left in the Jeep, so I had to hold tightly onto Joshua's hand and push Jenna in the other. It was such a cold, windy day and both of the kiddos were not happy to be out and about. When we finally made it into the doctor's office, Joshua enjoyed playing with the toys in the waiting area. There was a small fire engine which Joshua insisted was made for sitting on and scooting around. He got quite a few laughs as he scooted by and greeted people. He's such a charmer!
Onto the appointment...
Jenna will be having her fundoplication re-done on the 26th (day before Thanksgiving). Nick and I had planned to join our Missions Director, Stef, and her family for the holidays, but it looks like perhaps just Nick and Joshua will get to go. There's no way I'm leaving Jenna! Stef has graciously offered to bring me up a plate of food :-) Yay! I would be bummed to not enjoy some holiday stuffing and green bean casserole. I'm not actually a big turkey fan. I'd much rather have a holiday ham! I know I've opened myself up for a joke there somehow, but thankfully, this is a one way conversation until you make a comment; even then, I have the power to "delete" your smart alec remarks ;-)
We finally made it home after picking-up lunch. As I was un-packing everything, I noticed my beloved, priceless, essential planner was missing!!! I looked everywhere...the car, diaper bag, bottom of the stroller...I was about to have a meltdown...nevermind, I DID have a meltdown. I called the hospital asking for lost and found. They said the area of the hospital I was in didn't have a lost and found...what?!?!?! I started bawling on the phone. The operator was so nice and did her best to encourage me. She offered to contact housekeeping and valet just in case they happened to see it, but said it would be best if I came up myself to locate it. After calling the doctor's office to make sure I didn't leave it there, I packed-up the kids AGAIN and headed up to the hospital in the blistering, cold wind. On the way, I called another friend and asked her to pray. She understands how crucial my planner is. She assured me that God would make it visible for me and that I would locate it. I pulled-up to valet, got out the stroller, loaded Jenna, walked the stroller to the other side to get Joshua and popped open the visor on the stroller and guess what I found? My planner was stuck inside the visor of the silly stroller! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but the valet couldn't help but snicker at my befuddled expression. On the way home, I told the Lord I knew I should be thanking Him, but I had to wait until I was no longer mad. Later, I imagined what His face must've expressed as I ran around like an idiot! What a sight I must've been!!
Friday night, I went for my regular late night grocery shopping venture at Wal-Mart. I spent nearly 2 hours cruising around and checking prices on this and getting things on my list. At check-out, I could've sworn I was in the beginning stages of a heart attack. I've been having pain in my left shoulder, neck, and my left side off and on for a couple of weeks now. The cashier asked how I was doing, and I told her I thought I was having a heart attack and you know what she said? "That's good." And then she started rambling about who knows what. I was taken back, so I couldn't focus on what she was saying. So, it was time to pay. I swipe my Wal-Mart card and it says..."Declined." I had paid the balance in full the week prior and it cleared our checking account, so I knew the message was faulty. After trying it again and getting the same message, my transaction was temporarily suspended and I made my way to Customer Service before they closed. One of the manager's called to check on my balance and noted that I had no balance. However, for some reason my account said my available credit was only $10...what?!?! Since the store has no abilities to access and adjust accounts, I had to leave my groceries behind and go home bawling my brains out. In the parking lot, I called Nick and sobbed and then called my best friend and sobbed. What a day! I really thought I was going to throw in the towel and just give-up. I cried-out to the Lord all the way home asking Him how much more disappointments and frustrations and difficulties would I have to go through before I see the lesson to be learned in all of this? I'm still waiting for an answer, but have since then felt peace and patience (for now) for His timing to unfold. I was able to take care of Wal-Mart's mistake this morning on the phone. For some reason, their computer doesn't like it when people pay their balances in full, so it automatically puts a "float/hold" on your account and has to be removed manually. What a pain in the rear!!
Please be praying for Jenna. Specifically that her reflux and vomiting would decrease. The surgery will fix this problem, but until then, she's hurting and is so frustrated. Also, please pray for me that I would be more aware of just how much the Lord has blessed our family and me. I tend to focus on the difficulties rather than the blessings and I would really like that to change. Joshua is really starting to show more and more signs of jealousy. Please pray that the Lord would give him comfort and patience. Finally, please pray for Nick and I. The stress and strain of having a sick child is really taking its toll on our marriage. Satan really likes to use illness to destroy marriages.
Thanks for reading my novel. Sorry it was more of a rant than anything else.
Jenna had an early appointment with Dr. Tuggle (pediatric surgeon) regarding her fundoplication and hernia. The double stroller (arriving tomorrow) can't come soon enough! Joshua's harness was left in the Jeep, so I had to hold tightly onto Joshua's hand and push Jenna in the other. It was such a cold, windy day and both of the kiddos were not happy to be out and about. When we finally made it into the doctor's office, Joshua enjoyed playing with the toys in the waiting area. There was a small fire engine which Joshua insisted was made for sitting on and scooting around. He got quite a few laughs as he scooted by and greeted people. He's such a charmer!
Onto the appointment...
Jenna will be having her fundoplication re-done on the 26th (day before Thanksgiving). Nick and I had planned to join our Missions Director, Stef, and her family for the holidays, but it looks like perhaps just Nick and Joshua will get to go. There's no way I'm leaving Jenna! Stef has graciously offered to bring me up a plate of food :-) Yay! I would be bummed to not enjoy some holiday stuffing and green bean casserole. I'm not actually a big turkey fan. I'd much rather have a holiday ham! I know I've opened myself up for a joke there somehow, but thankfully, this is a one way conversation until you make a comment; even then, I have the power to "delete" your smart alec remarks ;-)
We finally made it home after picking-up lunch. As I was un-packing everything, I noticed my beloved, priceless, essential planner was missing!!! I looked everywhere...the car, diaper bag, bottom of the stroller...I was about to have a meltdown...nevermind, I DID have a meltdown. I called the hospital asking for lost and found. They said the area of the hospital I was in didn't have a lost and found...what?!?!?! I started bawling on the phone. The operator was so nice and did her best to encourage me. She offered to contact housekeeping and valet just in case they happened to see it, but said it would be best if I came up myself to locate it. After calling the doctor's office to make sure I didn't leave it there, I packed-up the kids AGAIN and headed up to the hospital in the blistering, cold wind. On the way, I called another friend and asked her to pray. She understands how crucial my planner is. She assured me that God would make it visible for me and that I would locate it. I pulled-up to valet, got out the stroller, loaded Jenna, walked the stroller to the other side to get Joshua and popped open the visor on the stroller and guess what I found? My planner was stuck inside the visor of the silly stroller! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but the valet couldn't help but snicker at my befuddled expression. On the way home, I told the Lord I knew I should be thanking Him, but I had to wait until I was no longer mad. Later, I imagined what His face must've expressed as I ran around like an idiot! What a sight I must've been!!
Friday night, I went for my regular late night grocery shopping venture at Wal-Mart. I spent nearly 2 hours cruising around and checking prices on this and getting things on my list. At check-out, I could've sworn I was in the beginning stages of a heart attack. I've been having pain in my left shoulder, neck, and my left side off and on for a couple of weeks now. The cashier asked how I was doing, and I told her I thought I was having a heart attack and you know what she said? "That's good." And then she started rambling about who knows what. I was taken back, so I couldn't focus on what she was saying. So, it was time to pay. I swipe my Wal-Mart card and it says..."Declined." I had paid the balance in full the week prior and it cleared our checking account, so I knew the message was faulty. After trying it again and getting the same message, my transaction was temporarily suspended and I made my way to Customer Service before they closed. One of the manager's called to check on my balance and noted that I had no balance. However, for some reason my account said my available credit was only $10...what?!?! Since the store has no abilities to access and adjust accounts, I had to leave my groceries behind and go home bawling my brains out. In the parking lot, I called Nick and sobbed and then called my best friend and sobbed. What a day! I really thought I was going to throw in the towel and just give-up. I cried-out to the Lord all the way home asking Him how much more disappointments and frustrations and difficulties would I have to go through before I see the lesson to be learned in all of this? I'm still waiting for an answer, but have since then felt peace and patience (for now) for His timing to unfold. I was able to take care of Wal-Mart's mistake this morning on the phone. For some reason, their computer doesn't like it when people pay their balances in full, so it automatically puts a "float/hold" on your account and has to be removed manually. What a pain in the rear!!
Please be praying for Jenna. Specifically that her reflux and vomiting would decrease. The surgery will fix this problem, but until then, she's hurting and is so frustrated. Also, please pray for me that I would be more aware of just how much the Lord has blessed our family and me. I tend to focus on the difficulties rather than the blessings and I would really like that to change. Joshua is really starting to show more and more signs of jealousy. Please pray that the Lord would give him comfort and patience. Finally, please pray for Nick and I. The stress and strain of having a sick child is really taking its toll on our marriage. Satan really likes to use illness to destroy marriages.
Thanks for reading my novel. Sorry it was more of a rant than anything else.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
stroller on the way!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
my friend's boys
My sweet friend has posted pictures of the sweet boys soon to be a part of their family. Please pray for them!!
reading material
When I have the chance, I like to crack open a good book. Lately, my material of choice has been books on marriage. Praise the Lord for books on marriage!! The first book on marriage I read was "The Language of Sex" by Dr. Gary Smalley and Ted Cunningham. I read this while Jenna was in the NICU at Mercy. Boy did I get some looks when nurses happened to glance at the cover! I was fortunate enough to use this as a witnessing tool...of all things! Some of the nurses actually asked to borrow it during their lunch breaks and came back with refreshed and surprised faces. It was funny, serious, and right on the nose!! It dealt with the nitty-gritty and that's what I loved about it.
This is what I just bought at Mardel today. "Love & Respect" by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. I've read many blogs which have commented on this book. Plus, it's a Focus on the Family book and it was 50% off...woohoo!! I'm really looking forward to cracking it open when I get the chance :-)

many thanks
Many thanks to you all for praying for Jenna and our entire family! Your support and prayers are priceless and grately needed.
Jenna will be getting the stints out of her nose tomorrow...hooray (pictures soon to follow)! Friday, we will be meeting with her other surgeon to set-up a surgery date to re-do her fundoplication and to fix her hernia...bleh!
God is so good to us. When there's a need, He never fails to fill it. He continually provides for us and blesses us with such a wonderful circle of family and friends. Praise God!
Jenna will be getting the stints out of her nose tomorrow...hooray (pictures soon to follow)! Friday, we will be meeting with her other surgeon to set-up a surgery date to re-do her fundoplication and to fix her hernia...bleh!
God is so good to us. When there's a need, He never fails to fill it. He continually provides for us and blesses us with such a wonderful circle of family and friends. Praise God!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Seven Random Things
I've been tagged by my SIL to list seven random things about myself, so here goes!
1. I don't hang onto clothes that don't fit me with the hope that they might fit again someday. I got this tip from the Today Show one day and I thought it was pure genius...mostly because I'm "forced" to buy new clothes when I lose weight *wink*
2. If I find a cute pair of shoes, I usually buy the same shoes in both black and brown. Yes, it's sad, I know.
3. I'm a big-time perfectionist when it comes to certain things. This drives Nick absolutely crazy!! If he tries to clean something, I usually re-do it after he's finished if it's not to my liking. Sorry honey!
4. I once applied to be on "The Biggest Loser." I submitted a video and everything! This was before I met Nick and got even huger. There's something to be said about the phrase "fat and happy."
5. I was on a YMCA swim team in high school. I had only learned to swim a few months prior to joining the team. Less than a year after joining, I broke the swim captain's record in her best event. She wasn't too thrilled with me. I also qualified for the Junior Olympics in a couple of events, but nobody ever told me until it was too late. Stinky! Who knows, I could've been an Olympian maybe ;-)
6. I desperately want to live on a piece of secluded land where I can't see neighbors' homes (no offense SIL), but have the convenience of getting to the city in a matter of minutes.
7. When I was a little girl, I use to dream of my prince charming. I was determined to find a man just like my oldest brother. My SIL is one blessed woman!!
1. I don't hang onto clothes that don't fit me with the hope that they might fit again someday. I got this tip from the Today Show one day and I thought it was pure genius...mostly because I'm "forced" to buy new clothes when I lose weight *wink*
2. If I find a cute pair of shoes, I usually buy the same shoes in both black and brown. Yes, it's sad, I know.
3. I'm a big-time perfectionist when it comes to certain things. This drives Nick absolutely crazy!! If he tries to clean something, I usually re-do it after he's finished if it's not to my liking. Sorry honey!
4. I once applied to be on "The Biggest Loser." I submitted a video and everything! This was before I met Nick and got even huger. There's something to be said about the phrase "fat and happy."
5. I was on a YMCA swim team in high school. I had only learned to swim a few months prior to joining the team. Less than a year after joining, I broke the swim captain's record in her best event. She wasn't too thrilled with me. I also qualified for the Junior Olympics in a couple of events, but nobody ever told me until it was too late. Stinky! Who knows, I could've been an Olympian maybe ;-)
6. I desperately want to live on a piece of secluded land where I can't see neighbors' homes (no offense SIL), but have the convenience of getting to the city in a matter of minutes.
7. When I was a little girl, I use to dream of my prince charming. I was determined to find a man just like my oldest brother. My SIL is one blessed woman!!
Jenna's before and after pics
I will have to try and post the videos later.
For some reason, I kept on getting an error message from Blogger.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Jenna's home!!
Jenna came home yesterday. The surgery on her lip and nose went absolutely great! In addition, her glucose did just wonderfully :-) She's doing well with the recovery and we're gradually decreasing her pain meds. Thank you Lord!!
However...yep, there is a however...
Jenna's fundoplication, the operation to keep her from refluxing/vomitting, is beginning to undo itself; in addition, she has a hernia. Argh! So, that explains the vomitting she's had the past couple of weeks. I mentioned it to the pediatric surgery team while we were in the hospital and the ordered and upper GI. I had no idea upper GI's were so horrible! I felt awful for making Jenna go through that :-( Anyway...she's going to have to go back in and have her fundoplication re-done as soon as her lip is healed enough to be on a ventilator for surgery *sigh*
Man, the enemy is really trying to wreck our family. It's been tough, but he's not going to win. He may discourage, be he cannot destroy. Praise God for his protection and for putting people in our lives to encourage and uplift us.
When things settle down a bit, I will upload some pictures of before and after the surgery as well as some videos from our stay in the hospital.
However...yep, there is a however...
Jenna's fundoplication, the operation to keep her from refluxing/vomitting, is beginning to undo itself; in addition, she has a hernia. Argh! So, that explains the vomitting she's had the past couple of weeks. I mentioned it to the pediatric surgery team while we were in the hospital and the ordered and upper GI. I had no idea upper GI's were so horrible! I felt awful for making Jenna go through that :-( Anyway...she's going to have to go back in and have her fundoplication re-done as soon as her lip is healed enough to be on a ventilator for surgery *sigh*
Man, the enemy is really trying to wreck our family. It's been tough, but he's not going to win. He may discourage, be he cannot destroy. Praise God for his protection and for putting people in our lives to encourage and uplift us.
When things settle down a bit, I will upload some pictures of before and after the surgery as well as some videos from our stay in the hospital.
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