Okay, good news from Jenna's GI doctor. She had an appointment last week and he's pretty certain her liver and spleen are returning to normal size and tenderness! Yes!! Thank you Lord!! We're suppose to hear from Radiology to have an ultrasound to confirm, but I just know that they will find good news to share :-) Jenna also finished her antibiotics for C-DIF. I turned in another stool sample so they can check and make sure it's truly gone. Hopefully news will return quickly!
Another praise... Jenna has switched formulas. Why is this so exciting, you ask? Well, I will tell you :-) With Jenna's previous formula, her bag had to be re-filled every 3 hours. Now, however, with her new formula, she can go for 8 hours! Guess what that means? This tired mama gets to sleep through the night! Yay! Thank you Lord again!! I will now only have to mess with filling her bag every 8 hours which works perfectly with her meds schedule... 12am/8am/4pm. I'm still a little nervous about not checking on her to make sure her extension set hasn't popped loose or to make sure she's not completely entwined in her tube, so Nick's going to check on her when he gets up to get ready for work (5am). I will probably still just automatically wake-up to check on her during the night. An entire year of waking every 3 hours doesn't not become a habit over night :-) Did I say that right? Oh well if I didn't.
We had a fun 4th of July celebration! We always have a good time going to my SIL's parent's house. This year was different though... it rained! It worked out great though. A nice, pouring rain would fall and cool things off and stop long enough to pop some fireworks and then it would repeat. It was nice to not be choking on smoke, that's for sure :-) The kids had a great time. Joshua's not a fan of the noise, but he did seem to enjoy this year more than in the past. Jenna was a trooper. She didn't participate in the fireworks display, but she and her sweet little cousin had matching outfits and enjoyed being inside most of the time away from the noise. Jenna pooped-out at around 9pm... just in time for mama to go outside and see the big display.
I hope and pray you all are doing well. I'm thankful for the many blessing that have come our way recently. However, I am bracing for the enemies inevitable attacks... it seems that the enemy likes to get us when our guard is down and I'm doing my best to hold-up my shield!