Saturday, February 23, 2008

Due date change

Well, looks like I have an extra 2 weeks of pregnancy. Argh! I went to my OB/GYN appointment on Thursday and I told him what the Perinatologist said about my due date being June 1st instead of May 15th, so Dr. Melendez double checked. Sure enough, someone had recorded my due date incorrectly. Oh well, if I didn't love my doctor and nurse so much, I might throw a little fit, but it's truly not worth it in this instance. This just means more time to prepare for Jenna's arrival and do we ever need it! We still have yet to get started on Joshua's "bigger boy" room and changes need to be made on the nursery as well to prepare for Jenna. Jenna's room will be an easy changeover compared to Joshua's...his room still has pink and yellow paint from the previous owners *gag* His room will be so cute when we're finished with it :-) Grizzly bears, pine trees, mountains...Nick had a great idea to include a Jeep Wrangler in the mural...I think we'll put a couple on the mountains :-)

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