Okay, I figured I would go ahead and post the funny story while Joshua's still asleep. As soon as he wakes-up, we have to rush-out of here to go to my mom's and then to the doctor's office.
So I went to Starbuck's yesterday to pick-up some lattes for myself and my parents. I pull-up to the drive-thru window and the barista is very friendly (young cute guy, so I had to mess with him) and tries to make my wait less boring by striking-up conversation. The conversation went as follows...
Barista: "So, what are you up to today?"
Me: "You really don't want to know."
Barista: "Yes, I actually do. What are your plans?"
Me: "Are you SURE you want to know?"
Barista: "Absolutely...tell me."
Me: "Well, I'm actually going to drop my son off at my parents' house and then I'm off to the gynecologist."
Barista: "Okay, I guess you could've used a little discretion." (embarrassed smirk)
Me: "Well, I didn't want to disappoint you; I'm all about answering questions honestly."
Barista: "I can respect that." *handing me the lattes*
Barista: "Well, have fun! Ummm...I mean, well, you'll probably not have a ton of fun there."
Me: *laughing my butt off while driving away*
I called one of my good friends right away and had to tell her the story. She said, "If I had been there, I would've said, 'It would be more fun if you'd join us, wanna come along?'" *haha* Good times. It was nice to receive a good laugh before having to go to the doctor ;-)
Okay, time to blow-dry my hair and put on my make-up. I will post later about the doctor's appointment.