Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Home Makeover and other things...

Well, I haven't posted in almost a week due to our computer being on the fritz. So frustrating! Oh well...there are worse things to gripe about ;-)

The home makeover will be taking place on Saturday, April 12th. I'm so excited to have the work done, so humbled to be the recipient, and so thrilled to have so many friends over at the same time!! It is going to be a busy and blessed day for sure. My SIL is the head-hauncho and has really gotten things so organized. I'm way impressed, but not surprised...that's just how she is ;-) My SIL and I will be making breakfast, lunch, and dinner for all those in attendance. It'll be so fun (and I'm not just saying that because LW's potato salad will be present)! I will post before and after pictures of the house, and of course all of the hard-working friends who will be contributing. I'm still in awe...

I'm super-excited about BUNCO!! For those of you that don't know what BUNCO is, it's a dice game...it's perfectly legal, don't worry! My SIL and I were "haggled" into being in a group. Not hardly! We were excited to do it. My SIL and I are both very competitive and it's so fun to play high-energy things with her...especially when there's shouting involved ;-) The two of us will probably receive an award just for being loud *haha* Anyway, the players (12 total) have been split into two groups in order to make things more cost effective for prizes and food. There will be different themes each month. I'm sure just the hosting aspect will become highly competitive. Should be fun and interesting ;-)

I'm so ready to have Jenna in my arms and not in my belly!! Nick said he's ready too...he's tired of me being so cranky and whiney. I can't imagine what he means by that??????? *haha* The nursery is really coming together. I can't wait to have Joshua situated in his big-boy room (have to finish it first) and get everything in it's place for Jenna's nursery. I still need to buy some pink tool to make tu-tu's for the dancing sheep. It's going to be adorable! I'll post pictures of the nursery and Joshua's new room when they're finished. I can hardly wait :-)

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