Thursday, November 20, 2008

trying to understand

Sometimes there are things which are a struggle for someone dear to you and despite praying and seeking advice, their problems are still there. While the issue is there, it's reeking havoc on their life and on mine. I'm learning that I have to keep on praying and praying and praying...etc. I'm not sure if their problem will ever be resolved and if I will ever feel relief. I'm trying so hard to trust God with this. I'm not sure how much more I can handle; there's no way out...I'm stuck in this with this person.


God's Girl said...

I believe that God allows things to come into our lives for one reason....

That we may rely on Him and not ourselves. Paul writes this same setiment in 2 Corin. 1. He was despairing unto death. I've been that low in my life. That's when the Lord gave me this verse. I pray that as you rely more and more on Jesus, that you are able to trust Him with the biggest trials (God-sized). May He grow you closer to Him through this difficutlt time.

Praying for you my friend!

Mrs. Troop said...

I wish I couldn't relate, but I can. Sometimes I just long for HOPE. And the only place I find it is in Christ.
There may not be a change or a resolution, but ultimately, He's still on His throne and I can trust Him.
Love the Psalms. They remind me that no matter how bad it gets, God is still God. And I can praise Him is spite of the rest. And He can make beauty from ashes and redeem the loss. I love that. I hang on to it. I camp on it. I'm there.