Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Joshua's been saying more and more cute things lately. One of his favorite things to say is his cousin's name. However, he doesn't just say her name, he give it an intro! He makes a sound like a guitar strumming a rock beat and then builds until he shouts her name. It's too cute.

Joshua's very polite. Whenever I give him a snack, or a toy, he says, "sorry!" That's his version of "thank you." For a long time, I wasn't correcting him and just telling him, "you're welcome." But lately, I've decided to start correcting him so that he's not confused later. He does use "sorry" correctly most of the time. For instance, if he bumps into you, or does something naughty and is corrected for his actions, he says, "sorry." He also apologizes for other people! For instance, the other day, I dropped something on the floor and he told me he was sorry. Poor little guy! Once he grows-out of this stage, he'll probably never say it again, so I'm enjoying it while I can!!


Zimms Zoo said...

Cute! I very seldom correct them (well I did with Brown Bear but he was a first) because once they quit saying it, it is gone for good and they don't sound like little toddlers anymore and it makes me sad. I love those messed up little things they say.

I do correct when they are asking for things and are confused, but otherwise it is so sweet. He needs to come play again.

Mrs. Troop said...

He's a doll! :-)

Jennifer B. said...

That's so sweet... Jorryn used to say thank you a lot but she doesn't say it as often anymore... but she does use it now and then and it's always great to hear.