Hebrews 12:5-6 (New International Version)
"My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline,
and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,
6because the Lord disciplines those he loves,
and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son."
I have a simple mind. When I have read this passage in the past (obviously a different translation), the word "punish" was replaced with "correct." It makes sense to me now. I look at correcting as a more gentle form of punishment. I don't think God sits on His throne and gets angry when we slip-up. He kindly corrects us. Punish is a strong word and hard for me to swallow. Well, I now have resolution over Sunday morning's discussion. I honestly was completely distraught. Thank you, Rodger, for posting this passage as your status message! Thank you, Jesus, for correcting my wrongs!
2. Nick and I received a financial gift. We are going to be able to make some much needed changes to the house! New kitchen and finally a suitable family room! Also, medical bills and money owed to my parents. Thank you to the gift giver. I will leave you anonymous as I am sure you would prefer it that way.
3. The support group (HopeLink) I am in for mom's of children with serious, rare, and undiagnosed illnesses has a great program. The church where we meet monthly, and where some of the members of the group attend, has small groups within the church who have had it laid upon their hearts to adopt the families in the support group. We found-out last night that we have been adopted! The support will come in many different forms. Thank you, thank you, thank you! We are humbled and blessed beyond belief by God's goodness and your willingness to serve in such a needed way.
It's a great day to praise the Lord...as is everyday!