Joshua had his 4-year-old well visit yesterday. A couple of months behind, but as the kids' pediatrician (Dr. Crittenden) put it, "It's not like you're busy or anything." Love that man. He's an incredible doctor; he's not allowed to retire until the kids are grown...that's what I've told him anyway.
Joshua received 4 immunizations yesterday and took them like a champ. Not one tear! I gave him warning the day before, the morning of, and the car ride there. He seemed to understand...mostly because Jenna receives a shot every morning.
I asked Dr. C to examine Joshua's legs. Joshua has knock knees (ironically, the opposite problem Jenna has with her legs). Poor Joshua can't even put his little feet together. My aunt had to wear braces on her legs at night to straighten hers out and so did a neighbor across the street. I just assumed the same would go for Joshua, but apparently that is not the normal treatment anymore. I'm curious to hear exactly what is. Joshua will be seeing the same orthopedic surgeon following Jenna's bow legs...Dr. Sullivan at Children's Hospital. He has the reputation of being the best of the best in Oklahoma for Pediatric Orthopedics. I wish the scheduler would hurry-up and call. Feeling very anxious about this, but trying my best to cast those anxieties at the feet of Jesus.
Joshua and Jenna both received their flu shots yesterday as well. No tears from either one of them! After giving the injection, the nurse (whom I normally love) asked if either one of them had H1N1 last year. Jenna had it last October. Well...she informed me that they are seeing reactions to the flu shot in children who had H1N1 previously. Side effects are...swelling of ENTIRE leg and a temp of 102 or greater. FANTASTIC! Well, I've been covering Jenna in prayer and have yet to see any of those reactions. Thank you, Jesus! Goodness gracious...that's all we need right now. Phew!
Looking forward to a lazy day at home...I wish! This house is a disaster! Anyone want to come clean for me? Don't all volunteer at once ;-)
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