Sunday, August 31, 2008
irritating knee injury
Okay, so I fell a couple of weeks ago in the laundry area. A pipe decided to have a leak (not a major one...just came loose a bit) and I slipped on water. I did the splits *taking a bow* Yes, it was interesting. My left leg went in front of me, and my right leg went behind me. Nick was in the kitchen with my nephew and I couldn't get his attention since they were talking. I stayed in the splits for a bit until I could get my bearings and then I managed to hobble into the living room and plop on the couch. Well, my poor right knee was all bruised and scraped-up. I just knew it wouldn't be a big deal and that I would be sore for a couple of days and that's it. WELL...last night, I started having a great deal of pain. I looked at my knee and noticed I still had some bruising; Nick pointed-out the swelling on the side of my leg...LOVELY!! I think I might actually have to call the doctor on this one. Most who know me know that I'm not one who likes to go to the doctor for things; however, I've put up with a ton of physical pain in my life and done nothing about it up to this point. I only have one body until heaven, so I better start taking better care of it. I have a high endurance to pain, so if I'm saying it hurts, it must really be bad. I'm hoping and praying it's nothing more than a strain or something. The strange thing is, it only hurts when it's bent. I can't quite figure that out. Sitting down is actually more uncomfortable than standing...odd. Oh well, guess I'll call the doctor on Tuesday *sigh*
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Jenna video
Here's a fun peak into the happiness that Jenna shares each and every day. You will need to pause the music on the playlist which is located on the bottom of the menu bar (far left side of the screen).
A day in the life of Jenna
Most of you are probably wondering just what Jenna has to go through from day-to-day. I took some picture and will briefly explain her routine.
This is the spread you would see on our table should you come at 8am for a visit. From left to right...Somatropin (Human Growth Hormone...that's her injection which rotates from arm to leg so it's not in the same place each day); Sterile Water (helps to dillute crushed pills); Levothyroxine (for her Thyroid); Poly-vi-sol (multi-vitamin + iron); Hydrocortisone (Cortisol replacement); Simethicone (the all-important gas relief). She gets all of this at 8am daily. When 4pm and 12am roll around, she gets more Hydrocortisone and Simethicone, but nothing else :-)
Here are two things she no longer has to take...praise God! Left to right: Phenobarbital (for seizures); Sodium Chloride (electrolyte balancing).
This is the Y-Port on her feeding tube where I can temporarily clamp her feeding off in order to administer her medications. It's so nice to not have to disturb her when she's sleeping!
Jenna typically get her bath at around 8:30 or so. She loves bath time!! She is able to be off her continuous feed for a short while...what a relief!!
By 9:00am, it's time to replace her feeding bag (once daily) and extension-set replacement (once a week). She's still receiving breast milk (while supplies last). The little packets you see is her milk fortifier (adds calories to make her the chubby munchkin she is).
Shortly after 9am, she's ready to go for the day! We have to tote around this pump/pole/bag gizmo throughout the house. When we have to leave the house, we have a handy back-pack the pump and bag fit into. It's rather awesome!!
Here is a better picture of her feeding-tube/Mic-key button. It goes right in her stomache on the upper, left-side. I'm so glad it doesn't bother her as much as it use to. She's dealing with it quite nicely. We've had to replace 2 feeding tubes/Mic-key buttons already due to the balloon breaking. The balloon is on the inside of the stomache and holds up to about 10mls of sterile water in order to secure it in place. The white square you see is merely a barrier to keep the button from irritatin her skin. She doesn't always need it, but seems to be more calm when it is in place.
Jenna is typically in bed no later than 9pm each night. She sleeps great and I've never *crossing fingers* had her wake during the night (despite me filling with her feeding bag, administering meds, changing diapers...she sleeps through it all). Her body is doing a lot of healing during her rest and I pray it continues to do so.
Feel free to ask any questions should you have them. I just thought you might like to know more about what goes on in our angel's life on a daily basis.

Jenna is typically in bed no later than 9pm each night. She sleeps great and I've never *crossing fingers* had her wake during the night (despite me filling with her feeding bag, administering meds, changing diapers...she sleeps through it all). Her body is doing a lot of healing during her rest and I pray it continues to do so.
Feel free to ask any questions should you have them. I just thought you might like to know more about what goes on in our angel's life on a daily basis.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Jenna's Nursery and Disappearing Food

I wish I had taken some better pictures of the crib. It's hard to truly appreciate the detail of Barb's work unless you're looking at it in person. You'll all just have to come over and see it sometime *hint, hint*

Well, it's about to hit midnight here. Time for Jenna's meds. I think I might sneak-out and do my grocery shopping. Although, I'm not sure when the put out their fresh produce at Wal-Mart. Hmmmm. I may wait and go in the morning. I'm sure Joshua would enjoy the outing. Plus, he's really into counting, letters, and colors right now. Shopping is a great place to talk and discuss those things :-)
Love you all!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Goodness! It's been a busy couple of days!! Catch-up time :-)
Monday morning was insane! I got the kids ready to go and we were out the door to drop-off a couple of stool samples (lovely, I know) and an application for funding to cover Jenna's surgeries. I never thought two simple things would take 2 hours!! Much of it was the valet's fault, but I've also come to terms that I MUST HAVE A STROLLER FOR 2 KIDS!!! I think I'm going to get one of the sit-n-stand strollers because most of the weight limits on the double strollers are 40lbs per seat. Joshua's about 32lbs now, so that sure wouldn't last long. Plus, I think he'll never take a nap in a stroller again, so the sit-n-stand makes the most sense. It will be lighter and easier to maneuver as well.
Here's what I'm considering. It's a bit pricey, but I have a $20 off coupon. It has a lot of options and does well on rought terrain (i.e. can withstand the de Haan damange).
After a mad morning, I came home and just knew something had to be done to the house. So, I tried to start cleaning. Jenna has been extra-clingy lately, so I was getting nowhere fast with the house-work. I called and begged my SIL to have Cousin A come over and entertain Jenna while I got some cleaning done. It didn't take much convincing...Cousin A loves Jenna and Joshua and jumps at every opportunity to play with them :-)
Joshua loves to grab a book and plop in anyone's lap who will read to him. I'm so glad he loves books :-) Here he is with Cousin A.
All day long, Joshua begged and begged to go outside! Unfortunately, it just got too hot and his little legs have already been eaten-up by bugs (despite the use of bug spray).
While Joshua and I were out on the porch, our sweet neighbor, Barb (a.k.a. Grandma Barb...which will confuse the kids him later since they have a great-grandma Barb too) came over to help with some finishing touches on Jenna's room. When I get off my rear-end, I'll take some more pictures of Jenna's nursery and show you the wonderful things Barb made for Jenna. She's a sewing genius...especially when it comes to nurseries. She use to do custom nurseries for income and does it purely for pleasure and for the purpose of blessing others.
Barb found the sweetest fringe to put on the sheep like little ballerinas, and I found rose-buds for their heads.
My mom is the fabulous artist who painted the walls :-)
I love this little flag above her bed!
Tumbling and dancing ballerinas!!
More pictures of Jenna's room to come...just don't hold your breath!
Monday morning was insane! I got the kids ready to go and we were out the door to drop-off a couple of stool samples (lovely, I know) and an application for funding to cover Jenna's surgeries. I never thought two simple things would take 2 hours!! Much of it was the valet's fault, but I've also come to terms that I MUST HAVE A STROLLER FOR 2 KIDS!!! I think I'm going to get one of the sit-n-stand strollers because most of the weight limits on the double strollers are 40lbs per seat. Joshua's about 32lbs now, so that sure wouldn't last long. Plus, I think he'll never take a nap in a stroller again, so the sit-n-stand makes the most sense. It will be lighter and easier to maneuver as well.

After a mad morning, I came home and just knew something had to be done to the house. So, I tried to start cleaning. Jenna has been extra-clingy lately, so I was getting nowhere fast with the house-work. I called and begged my SIL to have Cousin A come over and entertain Jenna while I got some cleaning done. It didn't take much convincing...Cousin A loves Jenna and Joshua and jumps at every opportunity to play with them :-)

Yesterday, Joshua and I took advantage of Jenna's morning nap and the morning temperature to go outside and do some sidewalk chalk. I never imagined how much he'd love it!!
He decided to decorate the side of the house too...thanks Joshua ;-) Thanks goodness it wasn't paint!

While Joshua and I were out on the porch, our sweet neighbor, Barb (a.k.a. Grandma Barb...which will confuse the kids him later since they have a great-grandma Barb too) came over to help with some finishing touches on Jenna's room. When I get off my rear-end, I'll take some more pictures of Jenna's nursery and show you the wonderful things Barb made for Jenna. She's a sewing genius...especially when it comes to nurseries. She use to do custom nurseries for income and does it purely for pleasure and for the purpose of blessing others.

More pictures of Jenna's room to come...just don't hold your breath!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Yesterday, Joshua was having a grumpy day so we decided to hang-out next door with family. We were going to play in our yard, but I had a heck of a time trying to keep the lawn mower going. Don't even get me started on that *grrrrrrrrrrr* Anyway, Aunt C and cousins got Joshua a cool sprinkler ball thing-a-ma-bob that rolls around and squirts water. It's a huge beach ball that needs to be aired-up with a compressor, but the attachment to the compressor was missing. My preggo SIL decided to blow it up herself. As I walked into the back yard, all I could see was her face and this huge ball. I told her, "That's what you're going to be looking like before too long." She really appreciated that remark ;-)
Well, after about 5 minutes of play, the cool spinkler ball decided to break :-( Never under-estimate the determination of a pregnant lady! My SIL whisked right inside the house and got on the phone with Little Tikes to see what they were going to do about the problem. Well, they were experiencing "a large call volume." So, she got online...their website wasn't loading. Last resort...e-mail! We'll see what happens. It was pretty annoying that such a cool toy would go ka-put so quickly. Oh well! Joshua's still small enough that he doesn't really get upset about things like that yet.
My SIL/Aunt C loves to hold Jenna at every opportunity...can't say that I blame her ;-)
Jenna getting kisses from her Aunt C.
She looks thrilled, doesn't she?
Joshua and Cousin A
Joshua and Cousin S. Joshua was rather grumpy, so he chose not to smile in ANY of the pictures. He really just wanted to play with all of his cousins' cool toys ;-)
Cousins are COOL!!! We're missing Cousin D in this picture because he was off at a friends' b-day party.
Thirsty boy. Joshua always has a drink nearby. I love getting pictures of him looking up because his eyes look so dreamy this way ;-)
Yesterday evening, we had the Zimms Zoo come over for pizza and ice cream. The grown-ups enjoyed a "friendly" game of spades while the kiddos watched a movie. While the men did win at spades, it was purely by rotten luck. The girls played with more intelligence and lost purposely due to pitty. After all, the men are what they What better a reason to feel pitty?
Well, after about 5 minutes of play, the cool spinkler ball decided to break :-( Never under-estimate the determination of a pregnant lady! My SIL whisked right inside the house and got on the phone with Little Tikes to see what they were going to do about the problem. Well, they were experiencing "a large call volume." So, she got online...their website wasn't loading. Last resort...e-mail! We'll see what happens. It was pretty annoying that such a cool toy would go ka-put so quickly. Oh well! Joshua's still small enough that he doesn't really get upset about things like that yet.

Yesterday evening, we had the Zimms Zoo come over for pizza and ice cream. The grown-ups enjoyed a "friendly" game of spades while the kiddos watched a movie. While the men did win at spades, it was purely by rotten luck. The girls played with more intelligence and lost purposely due to pitty. After all, the men are what they What better a reason to feel pitty?
Friday, August 22, 2008
I'm enjoying a rare moment of having both kiddos asleep at the same time, so I thought I would sit and blog for a bit. I should probably be resting too, but oh well :-) I'll kick myself later!
Wednesday, we had our friends Jennifer and Jorryn over. I've known Jennifer for about 2 years now. We're on a mommy's meetup group together and just really enjoy hanging-out :-) Jorryn, Jen's daughter, and Joshua play so well together! Joshua is about 5 months older than Jorryn, so they enjoy the same types of activities. I'm really impressed with Jorryn's vocabulary and communication skills. I know Joshua will improve with his once we get things going with Sooner Start. He will have an evaluation in the upcoming weeks to see what all needs to be worked-on; he will also get a hearing screening. I'm pretty sure his abundant amount of ear infections during his earlier years have a lot to do with his mumbly-bumbly speech.
Jennifer and Jenna

Joshua and Jorryn had a fun time playing together! My camera died before I could take pictures of them with the fun play-doh Jorryn got for Joshua :-(
Thursday, Jenna had an appointment with her GI doctor, Dr. Sferra. She's been dealing with diarrhea since a week before she left the NICU :-( So, I get to collect stool samples! Weeeee!! I collected one while we were at the park eating lunch with Nick. He was thrilled *haha* It was too good to waste...pardon the pun! After we got home, Layla and Tate came over for a visit while Tate's older brothers were at piano lessons. Joshua got cool Spidermand and Batman socks, as well as some more play-doh! If only I could keep him from eating it...hmmmmm. Thursday evening, some dear friends (the Weiss family, and a Claire) brought us dinner. Deliciouis Greek cuisine! Unfortunately, my camera battery was still charging when they came over *sigh* Dave and Leslie came up to the hospital and prayed over Jenna during one of her roughest patches. They are such God fearing people. I hope to have the amount of faith they have someday...
Layla and Jenna. Layla and I have been best friends since we were both very small. We're pretty sure we were 4 and 5 when we met.
My camera died again before I could take pictures of Joshua opening his gift and playing with Tate :-( I need a new battery!!
After Tate left, I put-up the play-doh, (Joshua was enjoying it as a meal) so he decided to crawl under his picnic table and make faces at me in protest. Here's a favorite ;-)
Like me, Joshua prefers to be barefoot ;-) He still has to work awfully hard to get his socks off...I think it's because he has big canoes! Size 7's...yikes! He's gonna be a big boy!!
Tonight, I'm going to hang-out with one of my friends. I find myself needing to get away one night a week. I'm hoping I can get past that because I know it's not always going to be feasable. Perhaps the lack of sleep is making me crazy...?? There's a concept!
Wednesday, we had our friends Jennifer and Jorryn over. I've known Jennifer for about 2 years now. We're on a mommy's meetup group together and just really enjoy hanging-out :-) Jorryn, Jen's daughter, and Joshua play so well together! Joshua is about 5 months older than Jorryn, so they enjoy the same types of activities. I'm really impressed with Jorryn's vocabulary and communication skills. I know Joshua will improve with his once we get things going with Sooner Start. He will have an evaluation in the upcoming weeks to see what all needs to be worked-on; he will also get a hearing screening. I'm pretty sure his abundant amount of ear infections during his earlier years have a lot to do with his mumbly-bumbly speech.

Joshua and Jorryn had a fun time playing together! My camera died before I could take pictures of them with the fun play-doh Jorryn got for Joshua :-(
Thursday, Jenna had an appointment with her GI doctor, Dr. Sferra. She's been dealing with diarrhea since a week before she left the NICU :-( So, I get to collect stool samples! Weeeee!! I collected one while we were at the park eating lunch with Nick. He was thrilled *haha* It was too good to waste...pardon the pun! After we got home, Layla and Tate came over for a visit while Tate's older brothers were at piano lessons. Joshua got cool Spidermand and Batman socks, as well as some more play-doh! If only I could keep him from eating it...hmmmmm. Thursday evening, some dear friends (the Weiss family, and a Claire) brought us dinner. Deliciouis Greek cuisine! Unfortunately, my camera battery was still charging when they came over *sigh* Dave and Leslie came up to the hospital and prayed over Jenna during one of her roughest patches. They are such God fearing people. I hope to have the amount of faith they have someday...

My camera died again before I could take pictures of Joshua opening his gift and playing with Tate :-( I need a new battery!!

Tonight, I'm going to hang-out with one of my friends. I find myself needing to get away one night a week. I'm hoping I can get past that because I know it's not always going to be feasable. Perhaps the lack of sleep is making me crazy...?? There's a concept!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Joshua's Birthday

First thing Tuesday morning, Joshua crawls into bed with me and proceeds with a long, stinky toot, followed by a verbal sigh of relief. Thanks Uncle M for teaching him that!! It was a rainy birthday for Joshua, so we made tent forts and had yummy snacks until dad got home. After dad had showered and relaxed a bit, he and Joshua went to Chick-fil-a for ice cream and to give Joshua the chance to rid himself of cabin fever by playing on the indoor play area.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Joshua's Party
Our gracious host, Johna. She's also an honorary aunt :-)

Joshua's cool cake...Hummers and Dump Trucks! Thanks Aunt C and cousins!

Close-up of the coolest cake ever!

Singing "Happy Birthday!" Joshua was embarrassed and barried his face many times in dad's shirt ;-)
Enjoying cake and ice cream with cousins and friend.

As you can see, Joshua had a wonderful time :-) He really enjoys the attention (imagine that).
Jenna's Maxillofacial Appt.
Jenna had an appointment with her surgeon Monday. Dr. Smith is very optimistic about Jenna's lip and palate corrections. Her first lip surgery will be October 29th. The more I think about it, the more I think I'm going to miss her gigantic, cleft smile. Dr. Smith warned me (while I was pregnant) that I would fall in love with her huge smile and would have to mourn the loss of it. I thought he was being silly, but he's right. I know she'll still have a huge smile will just be different.

Joshua's cool cake...Hummers and Dump Trucks! Thanks Aunt C and cousins!

Close-up of the coolest cake ever!

Singing "Happy Birthday!" Joshua was embarrassed and barried his face many times in dad's shirt ;-)

As you can see, Joshua had a wonderful time :-) He really enjoys the attention (imagine that).
Jenna's Maxillofacial Appt.
Jenna had an appointment with her surgeon Monday. Dr. Smith is very optimistic about Jenna's lip and palate corrections. Her first lip surgery will be October 29th. The more I think about it, the more I think I'm going to miss her gigantic, cleft smile. Dr. Smith warned me (while I was pregnant) that I would fall in love with her huge smile and would have to mourn the loss of it. I thought he was being silly, but he's right. I know she'll still have a huge smile will just be different.
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