Friday, August 22, 2008

I'm enjoying a rare moment of having both kiddos asleep at the same time, so I thought I would sit and blog for a bit. I should probably be resting too, but oh well :-) I'll kick myself later!

Wednesday, we had our friends Jennifer and Jorryn over. I've known Jennifer for about 2 years now. We're on a mommy's meetup group together and just really enjoy hanging-out :-) Jorryn, Jen's daughter, and Joshua play so well together! Joshua is about 5 months older than Jorryn, so they enjoy the same types of activities. I'm really impressed with Jorryn's vocabulary and communication skills. I know Joshua will improve with his once we get things going with Sooner Start. He will have an evaluation in the upcoming weeks to see what all needs to be worked-on; he will also get a hearing screening. I'm pretty sure his abundant amount of ear infections during his earlier years have a lot to do with his mumbly-bumbly speech.

Jennifer and Jenna

Joshua and Jorryn had a fun time playing together! My camera died before I could take pictures of them with the fun play-doh Jorryn got for Joshua :-(

Thursday, Jenna had an appointment with her GI doctor, Dr. Sferra. She's been dealing with diarrhea since a week before she left the NICU :-( So, I get to collect stool samples! Weeeee!! I collected one while we were at the park eating lunch with Nick. He was thrilled *haha* It was too good to waste...pardon the pun! After we got home, Layla and Tate came over for a visit while Tate's older brothers were at piano lessons. Joshua got cool Spidermand and Batman socks, as well as some more play-doh! If only I could keep him from eating it...hmmmmm. Thursday evening, some dear friends (the Weiss family, and a Claire) brought us dinner. Deliciouis Greek cuisine! Unfortunately, my camera battery was still charging when they came over *sigh* Dave and Leslie came up to the hospital and prayed over Jenna during one of her roughest patches. They are such God fearing people. I hope to have the amount of faith they have someday...

Layla and Jenna. Layla and I have been best friends since we were both very small. We're pretty sure we were 4 and 5 when we met.

My camera died again before I could take pictures of Joshua opening his gift and playing with Tate :-( I need a new battery!!

After Tate left, I put-up the play-doh, (Joshua was enjoying it as a meal) so he decided to crawl under his picnic table and make faces at me in protest. Here's a favorite ;-)

Like me, Joshua prefers to be barefoot ;-) He still has to work awfully hard to get his socks off...I think it's because he has big canoes! Size 7's...yikes! He's gonna be a big boy!!

Tonight, I'm going to hang-out with one of my friends. I find myself needing to get away one night a week. I'm hoping I can get past that because I know it's not always going to be feasable. Perhaps the lack of sleep is making me crazy...?? There's a concept!

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