Yesterday, Joshua was having a grumpy day so we decided to hang-out next door with family. We were going to play in our yard, but I had a heck of a time trying to keep the lawn mower going. Don't even get me started on that *grrrrrrrrrrr* Anyway, Aunt C and cousins got Joshua a cool sprinkler ball thing-a-ma-bob that rolls around and squirts water. It's a huge beach ball that needs to be aired-up with a compressor, but the attachment to the compressor was missing. My preggo SIL decided to blow it up herself. As I walked into the back yard, all I could see was her face and this huge ball. I told her, "That's what you're going to be looking like before too long." She really appreciated that remark ;-)
Well, after about 5 minutes of play, the cool spinkler ball decided to break :-( Never under-estimate the determination of a pregnant lady! My SIL whisked right inside the house and got on the phone with Little Tikes to see what they were going to do about the problem. Well, they were experiencing "a large call volume." So, she got online...their website wasn't loading. Last resort...e-mail! We'll see what happens. It was pretty annoying that such a cool toy would go ka-put so quickly. Oh well! Joshua's still small enough that he doesn't really get upset about things like that yet.

My SIL/Aunt C loves to hold Jenna at every opportunity...can't say that I blame her ;-)

Jenna getting kisses from her Aunt C.

She looks thrilled, doesn't she?

Joshua and Cousin A

Joshua and Cousin S. Joshua was rather grumpy, so he chose not to smile in ANY of the pictures. He really just wanted to play with all of his cousins' cool toys ;-)

Cousins are COOL!!! We're missing Cousin D in this picture because he was off at a friends' b-day party.

Thirsty boy. Joshua always has a drink nearby. I love getting pictures of him looking up because his eyes look so dreamy this way ;-)
Yesterday evening, we had the Zimms Zoo come over for pizza and ice cream. The grown-ups enjoyed a "friendly" game of spades while the kiddos watched a movie. While the men did win at spades, it was purely by rotten luck. The girls played with more intelligence and lost purposely due to pitty. After all, the men are what they What better a reason to feel pitty?
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