We visited the church where Nick and I met, yesterday. It was fun to stroll down memory lane (even thought it was just a little over 5 years ago that we met). Lots of friendly faces whom we still see on a regular basis. Perhaps we have found our nitch? Maybe we should've never left? I know Joshua had a blast! He was begging not to leave. I think I may have frightened the nursery workers when I dropped Jenna off. I explained her medical issues (in a nut shell) and told them to watch for seizures and to keep an eye out for kiddos trying to pull her Mic-Key button out. Their eyes were like saucers! Bless their hearts, but at least they'll be prepared for next week :)
After church, we went to Jason and Eilene for lunch and popped-in for a visit at Jonathan and Jessica's to visit their new little bundle (less than a week old), baby Taylor. Precious! So tiny, so sweet... yes, baby fever kicked-in a long time ago, but I'm in no shape to be having another baby and Jenna still needs a lot of attention. I'll just keep holding other babies to satisfy that itch. There are tons of new babies and still more to come, so that itch will be satisfied for a while, at least :)

Today, Jenna has an Upper GI to check on her hernia. Her doctor is keeping a close eye on it with the hopes that it won't get worse and require surgery. She's already had one hernia surgery in the past...we don't really care for her to have to go through another one! I'm so grateful for Dr. Sferra. He watches over Jenna like he's her guardian angel; in many ways, he is just that. I have to keep her from eating for the next four hours until her appointment. Not fun! Praying her glucose levels don't decide to plummet. I'm keeping juice close by, just in case.
I have already posted about this, but it helps to keep things in focus. Jenna's next obstacle is getting her liver function levels to decrease. At or around October 22nd, Jenna will have another blood draw to check her levels. If her numbers are still elevated, she will have a liver biopsy. Please keep praying! Jenna has been a miracle from conception...to God be the Glory!!
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