Thursday, February 27, 2014

Week 7, Day 48; Week 8, Days 49-53

Week 7, Day 48
Saturday, I managed another 2000 yards.

Week 8, Day 49
Sunday was my day off and weigh-in day. I knew the number wouldn't be huge since I have been sick, still I had a loss, which is better than a gain! 1lb down and a total of 34lbs lost so far. I'm not going to complain. I splurged quite a bit because I felt like I deserved it because I was sick. I sure know how to make lame excuses for food!

Week 8, Days 50-53
I upped my yardage again this week. I've managed to increase to 2500 yards. I swam this Monday, Tuesday and today. Yesterday was Body Pump day. I'm really, really sore, so I'm hoping that means a good weigh-in on Sunday!

I decided I needed sweets in a major way while I was sick, so I decided to try Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches again. I've had them before and wasn't really that impressed. Well, after dieting and working out for as long as I have, they were like eating pure sugar. Gross? No! I loved them a little too much. I decided I can't buy them for a very long time. Pretty sure it doesn't count as low calorie if you're eating more than one a day. Oofta! Lesson learned. I'm worried it'll affect my weigh-in Sunday, but I'm hoping the increase in my swim will even things out.

So, I fit back in to a pair of pants that I love and held onto. Yes!!! I am seeing progress and that is really the best motivation for me. I also bought some new swim equipment (bag, goggles, swim caps) and that should be here this weekend. Woot! Swim Outlet is an awesome site. I had never shopped them before, but I will definitely be buying from them in the future. Free shipping, great sales and about every brand you can possibly imagine.

I'm finding it more and more difficult to get on here to blog everyday, so you'll probably only see a blog update 1-2 times a week. Swimming longer cuts into my me time once I get home; the kids are waking-up earlier and earlier, too. Don't they know they're suppose to sleep longer? ;)

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