Oh. My. Gosh. My legs. They hurt so good, but it was pretty embarrassing that I couldn't even hold a pull buoy between my legs to do just my arms. So, I just left it behind and let my poor legs drag behind. It was a good swim and I'm glad I went. Definitely therapeutic to my aching muscles from Body Pump yesterday. I'm going to attempt Body Pump again on Saturday, though I'm more worried about not making it thru that class than I was yesterday's. I think I will go lighter on the weights.
I'm getting eager for my weekly weigh-in after how hard I have worked this week. I think I will make Sundays my weigh-in day since it is my designated day off.
Lots of snow in the forecast for next week. There was snow last night and this morning as well. Thankfully, the plows and sand trucks do a great job here, so I was able to make it to the rec center with no problems whatsoever.
Oh, funny story... My legs are so numb and sore that I had to use the ladder to get out of the pool, whereas I normally just push myself up out of the water onto the side of the pool. I was too worried I wouldn't be able to support my own weight, so I opted for the ladder. It was quite nice using a ladder! Saves my poor shins from bruising.
More swimming tomorrow. Hopefully I can feel my legs by then!
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