Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week 3, Day 21

I apologize in advance. This is another post from my phone. 

Today was my day off, but much was accomplished. Today was weigh-in day (I'll share my weight loss below) and accountability day. My sister and I have decided to FaceTime each Sunday to discuss how we have been doing with exercise, diet and weight loss. Today was our first day and it was a lot of fun. My sister's fiancé left for another tour on Tuesday. She hopes he will be back by Christmas. In the meantime, she has a wedding to plan, so our weekly chats will be to discuss wedding plans as well.

Okay, onto my weight loss... Weight loss since Christmas... 28 pounds!!! I'm pretty ecstatic! Tomorrow, it's back to the pool. It's snowing pretty hard right now, so hopefully the plows and sand trucks are up and running before I am. 

Sweet dreams. 4am comes early.

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