Friday, January 31, 2014

Week 4, Day 26

I think I'm ready to bump up my yardage. I went ahead and waited this morning because I have Body Pump tomorrow morning and I want to be sure I can handle it. So, if all goes well, I will slowly bump up my yardage. Currently, I am doing 1,000 yards. I will increase my yardage by 250 and see how that goes. I would like to be up to 2,000 yards in a couple of months and it would be awesome to double that by July. I might be dreaming. We'll see. I use to swim at least 4,000 yards each practice (sometimes twice a day).

There was is a lot of snow on the ground. The plows are doing the best they can, but under the snow is a generous layer of ice. On my way to the Rec Center, a poor girl had done a 180 and was blocking two lanes. I stopped to check on her; she was sobbing in fear. I offered to help, but her husband was already on his way and was just around the corner. Vehicles without 4-wheel drive have no chance in this weather.

On with the day. Our plans for this afternoon/evening were canceled due to weather, so that means we can get a good day of school in. I really need to add Saturdays for school to the mix so we can try and get caught-up somewhat. I don't want to be doing school all summer long!


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