Saturday, January 25, 2014

Week 3, Day 20

It's hard to believe that I have been at this for 3 weeks. Truly, it feels like I just started. I guess that is good. I want it to feel fresh and new for as long as possible.

Today, I swam. The plan was to go to Body Pump, but my neck is hurting and I decided having weight up against my neck for squats probably wasn't the best idea. I consulted with my friend who is breaking into the body building industry for advice and she advised to do something lighter, so swimming it was. Another 1,000 yards, but faster this time. My stroke is getting more and more smooth, flip turns are flipping faster and my overall feel is great.

Next week, my goal for work-out days is as follows:

Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri - Swimming
Wed and Sat - Body Pump

I'd like to keep this schedule and gradually up my yardage. I definitely feel like I could be swimming more at this point, but until I've added twice a week Body Pump, I don't want to make my body too angry.

Time for tea and cards; then it's off to work on Jenna's room some more. We're moving the girls in together this weekend. Wish us luck!

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