Thursday, January 28, 2010

sick kids and an answer to prayer!

Last Friday, Jenna woke-up at 6am throwing-up and a temp that was determined to rise. I took Jenna immediately off her tube feeds. 8am rolled around and now improvement. I called Jenna's Endocrinologist's emergency pager number to advise them I was giving Jenna her stress injection due to her high temp (103.2F). I have to call them each time in case they have further instructions.

Due to Jenna's last sickness (H1N1) and her response to her emergency injection, the doctor on-call advised me to immediately bring her in after giving her the injection. Poor Jenna was miserable :( Slept some, cried a lot, screamed a ton, and was just plain sad the rest of the time. I'm so thankful for the LPN who was helping with Jenna. He was able to get an IV started on Jenna on his first attempt! He is our hero!! Jenna is usually a very difficult stick. After a blood draw and a urine sample (via catheter), the specimens were sent to the lab for testing. Her chest x-ray showed that her hiatal hernia had returned. Most likely, the force of vomiting is to blame. The doctors said right off that she would be admitted. The hospital was slammed and full, so I was thankful they didn't consider her to be a candidate for returning home like they did so many others. What is the blessing in all of this? Jenna's glucose levels stayed in a normal range for 8 hours! After 8 hours, her levels were trending too close to the danger zone for her, so she was hooked-up to dextrose 5 and shortly after, we were in her room. Jenna had a horrible night of nausea and dry-heaves :( Finally (after another 8 hour wait), the nurse brought in nausea meds. They worked like a charm! Jenna was kept an additional day after her vomiting ended and for her lab results to come through. Sadly, her thyroid levels were down quite a bit, so her meds have increased. They also wanted to be sure she wouldn't come down with diarrhea. She was discharged Sunday afternoon and Monday morning she came down with the diarrhea. Ugh!! Thankfully, it only lasted half a day.

Since yesterday morning, Jenna has been off of her continuous tube feeding and we are experimenting with bolus (syringe) feeds! So far, so good :) We still hook her up at night so that we don't have to test her sugar through the night. What a rude awakening that would be!

We are seeing Jenna's GI doctor next week. Hopefully he can shed some light on the severity of the hernia. Pediatric surgery couldn't get Jenna in to be seen until much later in February. So frustrating! I asked if the surgery team would come talk to us prior to being discharged and we were told they would be coming by, but they didn't. No surprise there!

Joshua will be getting glasses next week :) Why the smiley face? He will be so adorable and he will be able to see straight. Bless his little heart...when one eye is dominant, the other turns in. I'm hoping this really changes Joshua's vision. If the glasses haven't improved his vision by our follow-up appointment in March, Joshua will have to have eye surgery :(

Jenna's eyes are fine at the moment. She may possible need glasses in the future due to her small optic nerves. We're so thankful we don't have to fight two kiddos to wear their glasses!!

Okay, so sorry for the grammar in this post. I'm just rambling, but wanted to jot everything down while it was still fresh on my mind. Blessings to all of you!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Glory to God!

No better words to express how I feel right now :) I hope you'll read the lyrics even though you know the song. Sing them to the Lord and if you can't think of a reason to sing this to Him, you need to pray for a heart more sensitive toward His grace.

"My Tribute"

How can I say thanks
For the things you have done for me
Things so undeserved
Yet You gave to prove your love for me
The voices of a million angels
Could not express my gratitude
All that I am and ever hope to be
I owe it all to thee

To God be the glory, to God be the glory
To God be the glory,
For the things He has done
With His blood He has saved me
With His power He has raised me
To God be the glory,
For the things He has done

Just let me live my life
And let it be pleasing Lord to thee
And should I gain any praise
Let it go to Calvary

With His blood He has saved me
With His power He has raised me
To God be the glory
For the things He has done

To God be the glory, to God be the glory
To God be the glory,
For the things He has done
With His blood He has saved me
With His power He has raised me
To God be the glory,
For the things He has done

Monday, January 11, 2010


Alright... I've officially decided boys are angels compared to girls. Boys have their moments, don't get me wrong, but girls have a-t-t-i-t-u-d-e-s!!! Joshua was never a hitter, but Jenna seems to think it's pretty funny. Anytime I put her down for a nap...**smack** right in my face! What happens next? Well, the little bottom gets a couple of whacks and the side of the crib comes up! Goodness! I've called my mom begging for advice and she shared a very good suggestions... Anytime Jenna hits (or does anything naughty for that matter), she's immediate getting sack on the bottom and being sent to her room with the baby gate up. She's usually acting ugly due to brother playing with something she wants or brother is getting attention she feels is suppose to be hers. This will work when we're at home, but what about when we're in public or at a friend's house? What do you do? I'm desperate for suggestions because disciplining Jenna is getting us nowhere at the moment!

Well, Joshua has decided to start exercising his ability to udder the word, "no." My sweet, first born has turned to the dark side! Ugh! It's an interesting place to be with him. He's no longer a baby (even though he's still in diapers) and he's not really what I would call a toddler anymore either. He's growing-up and growing-up fast. He's sweeter than ever though (as long as he isn't saying "no"). Spanking and sending Joshua to his room aren't really doing the trick with him either. Perhaps we just need to stick to this plan until we start seeing results. I'm willing to give it some more time. Jenna's hitting and Joshua's back-talk have only started taking place within the past week, so I guess there's still hope :)

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Quiet Time

So, I've still been doing my quiet time but haven't really felt like sharing on the blog. I will eventually. Lately, my quiet times have consisted of glancing at a verse and a "sorry for not reading more today, Lord!"

New Year

Yes, I'm going to do the stereotypical resolution and say I'm going to work on being healthier. I think it's ridiculous to go completely cold turkey though. I'm still going to eat some of the foods I love, but just going to work on portion control. Anytime I go overboard, however, will result in an extra 250 yards in the pool! There will be rewards and punishment! After 6 months, if I have lost 50 lbs, there is going to be a shopping trip to Grapvine Mills! woohoo!! One of my dearest friends and I will be swapping daily e-mails about how we've done that intake, exercise, self-control, etc. Accountability is a must! I also plan on reviving a blog I created last New Year's and didn't maintain. So, if you like drama, you can read about my on-going attempts to change my body! Here's the link...Loser Wannabe. I'm 30...over-weight...unhealthy...what kind of example am I setting for my kids?

My most important resolution is to make more time for the Lord. I really miss the longer quiet times I was able to have before kiddos came along. I'm not a morning person and it just kills me to wake-up early. My brain doesn't turn-on until 8:00 (which is when Jenna's morning routine starts, so it MUST wake-up then). Perhaps I will try to wake-up anyway. It would be nice to be able to see Nick off to work. He has to leave the house by 5:30. Oi vey! Maybe after a couple of gallons of coffee I will be semi-awake...? Not likely, but it's worth a try :)

I still haven't picked-up the book I wanted to read over Christmas, "Created to be his help meet." I've heard only good things about this book. Click on the link and scroll down to read about the book and the author. I tried a million different ways to copy and paste it, but I think it's protected somehow. Reading in general is on my resolution list. I would really like to read more to Joshua since he now sits and listens for longer than 5 seconds :) Does anyone have any good reading lists for 3-year-olds? I have books for him, but they are definitely due for an upgrade! I know we could just go to the library, but I love buying new books!!

Piano Lessons

I'm going to teach lessons again! I have missed telling people what to do. Just kidding! I really miss seeing little ones' faces light-up when they learn something new :) I teach adults too. Jenna's speech therapist seems interested in taking lessons :) Lessons will be $10 for weekly, half-hour lessons. Each additional child within a family receives a $2 discount. I'm starting to sound like a billboard! Stopping now :)

Big News...I think...still praying about it...

Even since Jenna was born, I have had the desire to be an RN. I'm really exploring the possibility of going to night school somewhere. My only fear...tests!! I'm a horrible test taker, but thankfully, I have several friends who have their RN and have offered to give me a hand :) I need to spend more time in prayer about it. I could work part-time while the kids are still of school-age and then eventually work into a full-time position. We'll see. It may not be God's will and just an exciting idea in my head.


I think I need to change the title of the blog. It seems like most of my entries lately are about me. Oh wait! I could start blogging about my family more...DUH ;)

Alrighty, time to get Jenna ready for bed.