Wednesday, April 30, 2008

work-day pictures

I was unable to get the captions to work for these pictures, so when I have more patience, I will go back and try to add them again. It was such an incredible day...I don't even know what to say to thank everyone who participated (work-force, financial, prayer, etc.). I'm hoping that while I'm in the hospital I can get some thank you cards out. There were so many people present and I didn't manage to get everyone's pictures :-(

Friday, April 11, 2008

tomorrow's the big day!

Well, tomorrow at 9am, it begins!! Hard-work, fellowship, food, and more hard-work. There will be around 40 adults and kids helping in the house and in the yard to help get things ready for Jenna's arrival. We couldn't even dream of doing these things without them. Money's too tight for us to make improvements (thanks to insurance costs and additional medical things not covered). We're so excited, yet feeling guilty at the same time. It's hard to accept help when you're prideful like us. Tomorrow will be a lesson in acceptance of love and care of others. I'm hoping that we can give back to each and every person that helps tomorrow. Somehow, we'll do it. Someday they'll need something and we'll be able to step-in and return the blessing.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

big news

Well, Joshua put two audible words together today. I called Nick at work and I always let him jabber to Nick on the phone. Joshua got ahold of the phone and said, "Hi Daddy!" It was so wonderful and sweet :-)

I've been having a ton of Braxton Hicks (sp?) contractions today. Sometimes I sit and watch the clock just to make sure they're not actual contractions. I half-way wish that they were. I'm getting to the point where it's difficult to move around and I'm ready to have this baby in my arms! I know it's better that she stay put for a while, so I'll just have to manage. At least through the weekend ;-)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

prep work for renovations

This evening, my SIL and a dear friend of ours came over to get an idea of what we'll all be up against renovation wise. I know my SIL knew just how much is going to need to be done, but our poor friend seemd a little overwhelmed *hehe* Perhaps I was reading her wrong. She's so even-tempered that it's hard to say sometimes ;-)

I can hardly believe it's going to happen this weekend! So far, we're going to have 24+ adults and 12+ kids helping-out! Amazing! We're so blessed to be surrounded by such dear people who care about us and love us so much. God is truly amazing and we definitely feel His presence, love, and faithfulness through all of this.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I don't even know how I'm going to thank everyone enough. It's an impossible feat that I must try my hardest to conquer. I'm just trying to think of the best way to do it. If anyone has any "thank you" ideas, please do share them with me!!

doctor's visits

We had another appointment with the Perinatologist (should be the last one). Jenna is measuring at 5lbs, 11oz (Joshua was one ounce larger when he was born), so she's going to be a chunk as long as she stays inside until her due date :-) I love chubby babies!! He said she's still looking great (other than the cleft of course) and should be healthy! Yay!! God is good.

I went to get an echo today since my EKG yesterday showed some abnormalities. They said something about the EKG rhythm showing something backwards...??? The doctor will review the echo and get back to me. The technician performing the echo said she wouldn't let me leave if she saw anything severe; I'm home obviously, so it doesn't look like it's going to be anything drastic :-) Praise God for that!!

I'm going to take a nap now, I'm bushed! Then it's cleaning time to prepare for all of the company this weekend working on the house :-) I also have some grocery shopping to do...gotta keep the bellies full this weekend!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Well, the doctor's office FINALLY called me yesterday at around 2pm. I have an appointment this coming Tuesday; ironically, my dad has an appointment scheduled right after me! How funny :-) His is just a check-up to make sure the stints are still doing their job. I'll be relieved to know what's going on with my chest. It could just be stress, but with my family history of heart problems, I'm just not wanting to take any chances. Surely they won't give me a stress test...??? Can you imagine a huge, pregnant lady on a treadmill or bicycle? *haha* I have a hard enough time as it is just standing lately.

Joshua and I are going to a Baby/Toddler Expo today. It should be fun :-) Tons of freebies and drawings, plus medical experts answering questions free of charge. I was telling my dad about it yesterday and one of his favorite lines is, "If it's free, it's for me!" *haha* He's such a nut!! We're meeting some of our friends up there, so it should be a fun afternoon.

Oh, I can't remember if I mentioned on the earlier post, but I only gained 4 lbs from the time of my last OB/GYN visit (4 weeks), so my doctor was pretty happy with that :-) I knew if I had gained, it couldn't possibly be much. I'm still measuring pretty huge. He said we're going to have to keep a close eye on my belly growth. He still thinks my due date is June 1st (even though I'm measuring big), but I'm going with the Geneticist's date of May 15th. May 15th is more accurate according to my cycle anyway. I don't know why they don't just go by that instead of my first ultra-sound. Babies develop at different rates.

Well, time to do laundry. I only have one pair of maternity pants and I need something to wear today ;-)

Friday, April 4, 2008

doctor's appointment

Well, I went to my PCP this morning and they're working on referring me to a cardiologist. They must not be too concerned (even though "STAT" was written on the referral request) because it's been nearly 4 hours and I've yet to receive a phone call. You know, if they say it's going to be like 2-4 weeks, I'm just going to let it go and say, "Thanks, but no thanks." Jenna will be almost here by then.


Okay, I figured I would go ahead and post the funny story while Joshua's still asleep. As soon as he wakes-up, we have to rush-out of here to go to my mom's and then to the doctor's office.

So I went to Starbuck's yesterday to pick-up some lattes for myself and my parents. I pull-up to the drive-thru window and the barista is very friendly (young cute guy, so I had to mess with him) and tries to make my wait less boring by striking-up conversation. The conversation went as follows...

Barista: "So, what are you up to today?"
Me: "You really don't want to know."
Barista: "Yes, I actually do. What are your plans?"
Me: "Are you SURE you want to know?"
Barista: "Absolutely...tell me."
Me: "Well, I'm actually going to drop my son off at my parents' house and then I'm off to the gynecologist."
Barista: "Okay, I guess you could've used a little discretion." (embarrassed smirk)
Me: "Well, I didn't want to disappoint you; I'm all about answering questions honestly."
Barista: "I can respect that." *handing me the lattes*
Barista: "Well, have fun! Ummm...I mean, well, you'll probably not have a ton of fun there."
Me: *laughing my butt off while driving away*

I called one of my good friends right away and had to tell her the story. She said, "If I had been there, I would've said, 'It would be more fun if you'd join us, wanna come along?'" *haha* Good times. It was nice to receive a good laugh before having to go to the doctor ;-)

Okay, time to blow-dry my hair and put on my make-up. I will post later about the doctor's appointment.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

doctor's appointment

Well, no date yet for the c-section. RATS!!! I did, however, get an appointment with my PCP (tomorrow) to get a referral for a cardiac evaluation. I'm either having heart problems or gall bladder problems and my OB/GYN wants me to get that checked-out. I've been experiencing the pain for well over 5 weeks now and have been putting it off thinking I'm just being stupid, but it hasn't gotten any better.

I'll have to remember to post the story about my encounter with a Starbuck's Barista. I'm too tired tonight, but perhaps tomorrow. It'll have you laughing hysterically ;-)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

"hi" and other things

Well, Joshua's latest word is, "hi!" We met Nick at work for lunch on Monday; while we were waiting for Nick in the break room, Joshua walked-up to complete strangers and greeted them. It was so cute! So much for the "loner" theory ;-) There was one instance in particular that had me giggling. An older driver walked into the room and proceeded to walk-out the back door to a bus. Well, Joshua followed him and said, "hi" over and over again until he finally saw Joshua and said "hi" back. Joshua was NOT willing to give-up on gettin a response! Persistance is key sometimes and he figured that out on his own :-) Now that he has a new word, he uses it constantly! He greets everyone when we're out and about. Mostly women though...the little charmer ;-)

Tomorrow, I have the beginning of my every-two-week appointments with my OB/GYN. I'm really hoping I can squeeze a date out of him for the c-section, but I'm guessing it's probably too soon. I'm extremely miserable and ready to have this baby! She feels like she weighs a ton; I'll be anxious to see how my belly measures tomorrow. I know I've gained some weight...well, at least I think I have. I tend to gain weight first in my neck and my neck is still thin. Perhaps I've gained all baby...sure as heck feels like it!! She sure is moving a lot. Very active day and night with short naps in between. It's pretty funny to be sitting and to look down and see my belly forming into odd shapes. She must not be happy about running out of room.

The tornados from earlier this week were quite frightening. Nowhere near us, but a matter of blocks away from my grandmother's cottage. I didn't realize until I watched the news the following morning since the twister occurred very early in the morning (2am or so). My brother and SIL heard the sirens go off, but I didn't. How pathetic of me...I even had the windows open! Nick sleeps through everything, so it was no surprise to me that he didn't. More severe weather is in store for tomorrow. Hopefully it won't keep me from my doctor's appointment!! Thankfully, the appointment is fairly early and the severe risk doesn't increase from slight to moderate until the afternoon.

Currently, my most un-favorite chore is cleaning the kitchen. Give me laundry and dirty toilets anyday. I know, it's strange. I'm just so sick of being in the kitchen all the time! It is the center of most every household and it's used the most in ours for sure. Maybe I need to re-arrange so it's not so monotonous. I think I'll wait until the renovations have been made. Maybe I'll be a little more inspired then ;-)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Home Makeover and other things...

Well, I haven't posted in almost a week due to our computer being on the fritz. So frustrating! Oh well...there are worse things to gripe about ;-)

The home makeover will be taking place on Saturday, April 12th. I'm so excited to have the work done, so humbled to be the recipient, and so thrilled to have so many friends over at the same time!! It is going to be a busy and blessed day for sure. My SIL is the head-hauncho and has really gotten things so organized. I'm way impressed, but not surprised...that's just how she is ;-) My SIL and I will be making breakfast, lunch, and dinner for all those in attendance. It'll be so fun (and I'm not just saying that because LW's potato salad will be present)! I will post before and after pictures of the house, and of course all of the hard-working friends who will be contributing. I'm still in awe...

I'm super-excited about BUNCO!! For those of you that don't know what BUNCO is, it's a dice's perfectly legal, don't worry! My SIL and I were "haggled" into being in a group. Not hardly! We were excited to do it. My SIL and I are both very competitive and it's so fun to play high-energy things with her...especially when there's shouting involved ;-) The two of us will probably receive an award just for being loud *haha* Anyway, the players (12 total) have been split into two groups in order to make things more cost effective for prizes and food. There will be different themes each month. I'm sure just the hosting aspect will become highly competitive. Should be fun and interesting ;-)

I'm so ready to have Jenna in my arms and not in my belly!! Nick said he's ready too...he's tired of me being so cranky and whiney. I can't imagine what he means by that??????? *haha* The nursery is really coming together. I can't wait to have Joshua situated in his big-boy room (have to finish it first) and get everything in it's place for Jenna's nursery. I still need to buy some pink tool to make tu-tu's for the dancing sheep. It's going to be adorable! I'll post pictures of the nursery and Joshua's new room when they're finished. I can hardly wait :-)