Tuesday, October 19, 2010

answers to prayer

1.  I was really torn over a discussion in Connection class on Sunday.  We talked about faith, works and punishment.  I really struggled with the fact that God could/would punish us.  I think I do a pretty good job of that on my own.  I think what I struggle with the most is what in our lives is punishment and what are simply consquences of living in a fallen world?  I probably will never know the answer to this.  Perhaps you have some light to shed?  Perhaps there's a passage in Scripture I have yet to discover.  Input please!  Here is the passage which answered my disbelief that God would ever punish us:

Hebrews 12:5-6 (New International Version)

5And you have forgotten that word of encouragement that addresses you as sons:
   "My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline,
      and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,
 6because the Lord disciplines those he loves,
      and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son."

I have a simple mind.  When I have read this passage in the past (obviously a different translation), the word "punish" was replaced with "correct."  It makes sense to me now.  I look at correcting as a more gentle form of punishment.  I don't think God sits on His throne and gets angry when we slip-up.  He kindly corrects us.  Punish is a strong word and hard for me to swallow.  Well, I now have resolution over Sunday morning's discussion.  I honestly was completely distraught.  Thank you, Rodger, for posting this passage as your status message!  Thank you, Jesus, for correcting my wrongs!

2.  Nick and I received a financial gift.  We are going to be able to make some much needed changes to the house!  New kitchen and finally a suitable family room!  Also, medical bills and money owed to my parents.  Thank you to the gift giver.  I will leave you anonymous as I am sure you would prefer it that way.

3.  The support group (HopeLink) I am in for mom's of children with serious, rare, and undiagnosed illnesses has a great program.  The church where we meet monthly, and where some of the members of the group attend, has small groups within the church who have had it laid upon their hearts to adopt the families in the support group.  We found-out last night that we have been adopted!  The support will come in many different forms.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  We are humbled and blessed beyond belief by God's goodness and your willingness to serve in such a needed way.

It's a great day to praise the Lord...as is everyday!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Super Couponing!

Ohhhh yes!  I'm officially hooked :)  I can hardly wait to go out and buy myself a binder and baseball card sleeves.  I'm goin' all the way with this.  My friend's mom, Cora, put on a coupon workshop in her home this morning.  I learned soooooooooooooo much!  Thank you so, so much Cora!!  The three most helpful sites we used during the workshop are listed below:


I encourage anyone interested in saving TONS on their monthly grocery bills to take the time to read-up on these sites!  You can thank me later :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

lots to share!

Joshua had his 4-year-old well visit on Monday.  A couple of months behind, but better than some I suppose.  He took his immunizations like a champ...not one tear!  He did say, "Owie! That hurts!"  My brave, little guy :)  Actually, he's not so little...52% for height and 94% for weight.  Hehe!  His doctor decided he was just a stalky guy, and that's alright :)

Dr. Crittenden and I discussed Joshua's knock knees.  Poor guy can't even put his feet together!  We're going to see Dr. Sullivan at OU Children's Hospital Orthopedics on November 3rd to see what needs to be done to help straighten them out.  Apparently the braces at night technique isn't what they really do anymore.  I'm praying it's a simple fix; if it's not, I'm praying it's not painful for Joshua!  Some may question why we're even looking into straightening-out his knees if they don't bother him.  We're worried they eventually will (because Nick's do) and also self-confidence could become an issue.  Plus, we want him to be able to play sports and run if he so desires!  Anything to help our kiddos reach their fullest potential (within reason, of course). 

Joshua and Jenna both received their flu shots on Monday.  It wasn't until after the fact that the nurse mentioned there might be a significant reaction in those who have previously had H1N1 (which Jenna did...last October).  She said...entire leg swelling and 102+ temp.  Yikes!!  Thank goodness neither of those plauged Jenna.  She has been quite fussy at times during the week, but mostly she has wanted to cuddle.  I have no problem with the cuddling :)

Today was a very neat day.  I finally got to meet the grandma of Laynie.  Laynie was a calendar girl with Jenna in the CMN calendar.  She was little, Miss February.  I am speaking of Laynie in past tense...she has since gone to her eternal home.  You can read about Laynie on the calendars I sent-out by going to the month of February.  What a remarkable, little angel.  I never got to meet her in person, but her Lolly (grandma) was wonderful to keep Facebook updated and has been putting Laynie's legacy in action.  Today was one of many blood drives in Laynie's memory.  Eilene went with me.  Unfortunately, Eilene couldn't give...she's been fighting a cold.  I almost couldn't give due to low iron, but they repeated the test and I barely squeaked by!  Whew!  I guess I should see the doctor about my iron levels again.  They were so worried I'd pass-out from giving so much blood, but I'm a haas!

That's it for now.  More to come later!  I need to dedicate an entry to just pictures, but Blogger is still on the fritz with posting pictures.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Joshua's well visit and flu shots

Joshua had his 4-year-old well visit yesterday.  A couple of months behind, but as the kids' pediatrician (Dr. Crittenden) put it, "It's not like you're busy or anything."  Love that man.  He's an incredible doctor; he's not allowed to retire until the kids are grown...that's what I've told him anyway.

Joshua received 4 immunizations yesterday and took them like a champ.  Not one tear!  I gave him warning the day before, the morning of, and the car ride there.  He seemed to understand...mostly because Jenna receives a shot every morning.

I asked Dr. C to examine Joshua's legs.  Joshua has knock knees (ironically, the opposite problem Jenna has with her legs).  Poor Joshua can't even put his little feet together.  My aunt had to wear braces on her legs at night to straighten hers out and so did a neighbor across the street.  I just assumed the same would go for Joshua, but apparently that is not the normal treatment anymore.  I'm curious to hear exactly what is.  Joshua will be seeing the same orthopedic surgeon following Jenna's bow legs...Dr. Sullivan at Children's Hospital.  He has the reputation of being the best of the best in Oklahoma for Pediatric Orthopedics.  I wish the scheduler would hurry-up and call.  Feeling very anxious about this, but trying my best to cast those anxieties at the feet of Jesus.

Joshua and Jenna both received their flu shots yesterday as well.  No tears from either one of them!  After giving the injection, the nurse (whom I normally love) asked if either one of them had H1N1 last year.  Jenna had it last October.  Well...she informed me that they are seeing reactions to the flu shot in children who had H1N1 previously.  Side effects are...swelling of ENTIRE leg and a temp of 102 or greater.  FANTASTIC!  Well, I've been covering Jenna in prayer and have yet to see any of those reactions.  Thank you, Jesus!  Goodness gracious...that's all we need right now.  Phew!

Looking forward to a lazy day at home...I wish!  This house is a disaster!  Anyone want to come clean for me?  Don't all volunteer at once ;-)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Children's Miracle Network Radio-a-thon

November 3rd, 4th, and 5th, one of the local country music stations will be having a radio-a-thon to benefit our local Children's Hospital.  I received a phone call today asking me to come share Jenna's story!  What an awesome opportunity!  I am scheduled to be on-air at 4:00pm (CST) on the 4th.  You can listen online via the link below.


Lemon and Thyme Rice

I got this recipe off of Rachael Ray, but tweaked it a bit to save money.  Nick and the kids went crazy for it!  I must say, it's the yummiest rice...EVER!
Preheat oven to 400
1 cup white rice
2 cups chicken broth
1 lemon, thinly sliced
4 sprigs of thyme

In an 8x8 dish (or larger depending on the amount you want to make), evenly spread rice; pour chicken broth on top of the rice; place lemon slices and thyme sprigs on top.  I think it was in there for about 40-45 minutes.  As soon as the rice soaks-up the broth, it should be done. 
Super easy!  I've never made rice in the oven, but now I can't think of any other way I'd like it :)  I hope you try it out.  I tried to attach some pictures of the before and after, but Blogger isn't cooperating today.  If we're friends on Facebook, you can check-out the pictures there.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

jenna update

Dr. Sferra called yesterday...bless that man!  Jenna's liver enzymes are within the upper levels of normal range!  That means...NO LIVER BIOPSY!  We are so praising God over this!! Unfortunately, her bone enzymes were elevated; this can mean one of two things...bone disease or rapid growth.  We're praying for the rapid growth theory!  Jenna will have to repeat her labs next month when she goes in for her Endocrine visit.  Thanks for loving and praying for our sweet girl!

Friday, October 1, 2010

jenna update

The appointment with Dr. Sferra (Gastroenterologist) went well yesterday.  Nick and I are feeling much more optimistic about the condition of Jenna's liver.  Dr. Sferra explained that over a 3 to 4 year span that the condition of Jenna's liver could begin to cause considerable damage, so we have time to take action before it reaches that time span.  Jenna's labs were drawn and we will hopefully hear from the doctor today about the reading.  If not today, then on Monday.  If the numbers are still elevated or increasing, an ultrasound will be done to confirm it is safe to continue with the biopsy.

Thanks for praying!  I will update again as soon as I hear word from Dr. Sferra.