Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fell off the wagon...getting back on!

Crazy past couple of weeks!

Thanksgiving was at our house this year. Nick invited his mom and siblings over. I cooked and baked everything but the turkey. This year, we opted for frying a turkey instead of cooking it in the oven. Nick injected the turkey with jalapeno puree! The heat cooks out once fried and all you're left with is juicy goodness :) It was quite a treat! I was so proud of Nick for doing such a great job...proud of myself too :) First time I've ever hosted and everything was so delicious.

Jenna was suppose to have her stoma cauterized this past Monday, but thankfully the cream I have been putting on it has really helped the healing process; a longer Mic-Key button was the only need. My only frustration is the fact they decided cauterizing wasn't necessary after several failed IV attempts. Poor Jenna :( She just cried and was a lesson learned I suppose. I should've gone with my gut feeling when there wasn't a follow-up appointment after administering the cream. A follow-up appointment would've meant Jenna not having to endure painful needle sticks :( I'm thankful for Jenna's graceful attitude...she goes on loving me anyway despite my errors. Love that little girl.

We are really getting excited about our trip to Tucson! I miss the fun and laughter shared with Nick's dad and step-mom. They are two of my favorite people :) I'm so thankful for such sweet family...they are a blessing. Visits to Tucson always include shopping, late-night card games, jokes, puppies, delicious meals and meeting new people. I think I mentioned before that Allan and Ann haven't met Jenna yet. I can hardly wait :) I just know Jenna will have both grandpa and grandma wrapped around her finger...just like big brother.

The fire is going; Christmas music is playing...what's missing? Our Christmas tree! Perhaps I can talk Nick into climbing into the attic today to retrieve it. I'm really hoping to cash-in on the after Christmas sales this year! Our poor tree is bare and in need of replacing. Last year's decorations were simply white lights. I must admit though, it was much easier than worrying about Joshua eating the candy canes (through the plastic) and stashing ornaments here and there. My mom is sending me her ornaments from when we were all kids. The cutest little stuffed animal ornaments :) I know the kids will have a blast with them. They're old, but sturdy! I look forward to passing them down to the kids one day.

Back to cleaning... Christmas Tea prep tonight :) I will post about that later.

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