Wednesday, December 3, 2008

creepy crawlies

Well, this weekend, we're going to bug bomb our house. It will be such a relief to not have ROACHES!!! Gag!! Ah, the joys of owning an older home. Despite having professionals spray and treat our house for an ENTIRE YEAR, the nasty things are still present. Who can afford to have yearly contracts with no results? So, we're going to bag/pack everything we possibly can and spend the night in a hotel. Yeah, not really good timing money-wise, but TOTALLY necessary. I'm going to try and make the most of things and get a hotel with a pool so Nick and Joshua can have some fun. I think we'll have some fun treats too. It'll be a mini-vacation before our big trip to a test-run :-)


Julie said...

that sounds like so much fun!

Jennifer B. said...

Have you ever seen that infomercial on TV where you plug in this thing in the wall and it's supposed to give off some kind sound at a frequency that drives bugs and vermin away. I've always wondered if that worked.

Mrs. Troop said...

I am so sorry! We actually had them at our old house, too (built in '38). In spite of many treatments. However, in time they DID go away. Like years, though. :-) We lived there nine years and it did get better.
Hope all goes well and you enjoy your time together. Wish you could come stay here! We have room, but we also have the stomach crud!
Happy Thursday, Girl!