Sunday, June 21, 2009

more catching-up

About 2 weeks ago, Jenna started having questionable stools. I called her GI doctor after one week and from my description, he feared she could have blood in her stools. We collected a stool sample last week and it was confirmed to have blood, so now we're waiting to hear back on further testing. Sometimes the antibiotics given in the hospital can have this affect...causing a virus called C-DIF. Don't ask me what that stands for or means, I just know it's an icky virus that wreaks havoc on little bodies :-(

Jenna started waving a couple of weeks ago too. It's so sweet! However, she has figured-out that we think it's cute; she uses this to her fullest advantage!! Little stinker :-) She loves to play with my phone, so if she wants it, she does her little wavy and uses the other hand to gently sneak the phone away. Talk about naughty!! Oh, she also now has 4 teeth (2 upstairs, 2 downstairs). I'm curious to see how it affects her eating since the teeth don't line-up due to the cleft. Speaking of eating, Jenna had her swallow study a week ago and passed with flying colors :-) We're just waiting for our GI appointment on July 2nd to find-out what we need to do as far as adjusting her continuous feeds to allow for more room in her tummy, as well as find-out which foods she will best tolerate. I am so thankful to the Lord for this awesome blessing! We actually got to watch her swallow on an x-ray...too cool!! I took some pictures on my phone, so I will do my best to sync them to the computer soon.

Joshua is improving more and more on his speech...putting together long sentences and speaking more clearly. He still likes to jabber, but that is becoming more and more less of a normal occurrence. Poor Joshua is sick right now. He's been throwing-up since about 5pm today and has a temperature of 102.1. We can't keep any fluids down him. Every time he wakes from being asleep for a bit, we try to offer him just a sip, but it only stays down for a few minutes. I'm hoping he's better by morning. I hate having to take him into the's definitely not one of his favorite things :-(

Joshua and Jenna take baths together now :-) Jenna loves the company and Joshua thinks Jenna is hilarious! They make little noises back and forth at each other and just laugh as they play with their bath toys. I found a bubble bath that is safe enough to use on a daily basis, so the kids really love playing with bubbles :-)

It has been so hot lately! Joshua has enjoyed playing with his cousins in the water. Jenna doesn't tolerate the heat very well. She turns beat red even in the shade and becomes lethargic. Everyone comments on how pale she is, but we don't have much of a choice right now. I will be glad when Fall arrives because Jenna loves to swing. Nick put together an awesome play center for the kids with two swings and a slide, but we only have one tree offering shade in the mornings. The afternoons it's completely exposed to the sun, but later in the evening, our neighbor's tree offers some comfort.

This post was mostly for family, but perhaps some of you learned something you didn't know :-) I'm going to try and post once a week. Once I have that down as a routine, perhaps I will be adventurous and post twice a week...woo!

1 comment:

Zimms Zoo said...

What twice a week? Be still my heart!

I hope Joshua gets to feeling better soon.