Monday, November 9, 2009

Church and Bible Study

Nick and I are taking turns going to church while the other stays home with the kids. Gotta keep Jenna away from the germs! Yesterday's lesson really got me excited. Well, they all do, but this one especially. We have been studying Matthew 24. If you're familiar with this chapter, you know that it focuses on end time events. This week, we focused on the fact what scripture states about the end times being as in the days of Noah. I'm not very good at getting my point across, so just go and read it. Read it several times. I always get more out of scripture each time I read the same passage, but more and more jumped-out at me this time. We also talked about Premillenialism and the basis for that belief. Interesting stuff that really got my heart racing!

Today, I went back to my old Bible Study group. They're doing a Louie Giglio video series. Lemme just tell you... this guy is awesome! Totally anointed and blessed with the incredible gift of teaching the Word. He speaks in such a way that even the smallest listener would understand. I enjoyed it and I enjoyed the fellowship. It is a little further than I would like to drive, but I really love those girls and their fellowship. Oh, and of course the food :) This week was chicken tortilla soup and sopapilla cheesecake...YUM-O!! That's not going to help my efforts at the gym, but I guess it is motivation to work harder...kinda ;)

I'm not making much sense, so time to wrap this up. I will make more sense next time :)

The spell check didn't know what Premillenialism is...hmmmm.


Zimms Zoo said...

I read that this morning in my quiet time. Good read and I needed to read it several times.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Mrs. Troop said...

So nice to "catch up" with you!
Hate that there isn't more time.
Thank heavens for Facebook! Ha!
Lovely posts, Dear!