Wednesday, November 4, 2009

this, that and more of the other

Okay family and friends... I seriously need some motivation to keep-up with this blog! Facebook has sucked me in and I'm trying to dedicate more time to blogging.

As I am sitting in front of the computer, Joshua is reading letters off in one of his books. He so wants to learn to read! I think I am going to make some trips to Lakeshore and splurge a bit on some materials for him. **Hmmm...Christmas money! Great idea self!** He knows his letters so well and even sounds some of them out. I'm a proud mommy!

Speaking of Christmas, I already purchased one of Joshua's gifts. He really loves to play with his play food and pretend he's making me a delicious meal, so I bought him an inexpensive play kitchen. Nick would've rather he gotten a play tool bench, but I think he still has time to grow into such a toy. Don't you think? Joshua's also getting his first bike, and a twin size bed for Christmas! My mom bought him some bedding a while back that goes with his bedroom theme, so it will be nice to finally use it!

As many of you know, Jenna had H1N1 last month. Me and a friend went up to Colorado for a relaxing get-a-way at my parents with the kiddos in tow. The first night we were there, Jenna started throwing-up (which she's not suppose to be able to) and developed a nasty fever. I'm so glad I followed my gut and took her into the hospital. My poor mom ended-up driving us at 1:00am. Later that day (after a lengthy ER visit), Jenna was admitted. She developed a fever of 105.3 and her oxygen saturation dropped to 82%! It really set-off some emotional bombs within was like her NICU stay all over again. Thankfully, after some TLC in the hospital, Jenna was released within 5 days. So much for a relaxing get-a-way! I think sometimes I take for granted how sick she really is because she doesn't act like a little girl with so many complications. The only outtings I was taking her on was church and doctor's appointments. I thought I was doing a pretty good job of keeping her away from germs. We go to a very small church and everyone's pretty health conscious...or so I thought. I'm almost certain she picked-up H1N1 at church. She hadn't been to the doctor since the H1N1 outbreak.

Jenna has a GI appointment tomorrow. I'm so thankful! I've been worried about her Mic-Key button. Since she caught H1N1, it has been leaking stomache bile daily. Not only is it gross, but it's irritating her skin. I would keep a barrier between her Mic-Key and her skin, but she doesn't much enjoy that and rips it off each time I try. Too much of a risk...she might pull her Mic-Key out with it.

Now I'm just rambling! My appologies :) I guess this blogging thing is easier than I thought. Sometimes I tend to get on here when I have nothing on the brain, but I know better now.

Oh! One of my good friends, Katrina, introduced me to an iPhone appolication...RedLaser. It's actually an application that takes a scan/picture of bar codes. All you do is hold your phone in front of the desired bar code, it snaps a picture/scans it and submits it into the database. The item you scan is then searched. Guess what it does? It pulls-up a list of locations/stores where you can find the item the cheapest! I'M IN LOVE!! Yay :) I always thought that would be a great invention and somebody did it. Yay for smart people!!

Back to Christmas! We're going to Nick's parents this year :) They have yet to meet little Jenna and I'm so excited! I miss them dearly and really enjoy visiting them. Nick's dad, Allan, is who Joshua got his baby blues from. Thanks dad! Ann, Nick's step-mom, is a riot! She loves the kids and treats us as if we were her own. They run a dog kennel and they always have fun animals to play with. Joshua LOVES it and will really enjoy it now that he's older. I think he was only 1 when we last visited.

Well, this house isn't going to clean itself and Jenna's in need of some snuggling. She had a rough night of sleep last night and woke-up acting a little out of sorts. I will hopefully be back tomorrow! Until next time ;)


Abby said...

Hey look! just so you know, I'm following you :) I too suck at keeping up with a blog.. you'll notice that if you skim through mine haha

Zimms Zoo said...

It's about time!! I am glad you guys are going to get to visit Nick's parents. I can't believe they have never gotten to meet Jenna.

We will miss you at Christmas though.