Friday, November 6, 2009

funny story about germs

So, I took the kids to the Zoo on Monday. It was too beautiful a day to pass by! I brought a surgical mask for Jenna just in case it was packed, but thankfully it wasn't! I couldn't find my small bottle of hand sanitizer, so I stuff my huge industrial sized bottle into the stroller *hehe* My friend and her little boy joined us; it was a nice get-a-way from the chaos which is my house :)

Okay, to the funny party...

We were leaving the play area and a little boy ran up to Jenna and grabbed her hand. The grandparents of the little guy apologized and I said, "That's okay." I was secretly thinking..."AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" So I did what any other mother in my shoes would do...I instantly globbed some hand sanitizer in my hand and raced to lather Jenna's hands in it. You should've seen the looks I got from those grandparents! I'm sure they were thinking I was a totally paranoid parent...wait...I am *haha* With just cause though :)

Anyway, I guess to any healthy individual, this story isn't that hilarious. But, if you have chronically sick kiddos, you can totally relate :)

1 comment:

Abby said...

Nope, still funny when you don't have chronically ill children... cause I can just see you...and the grandparents... haha... you're so funny..