Friday, February 7, 2014

Week 5, Day 33

So, this morning I did Body Pump. Tomorrow's classes have all been canceled due to instructor certification classes. This was my first time taking an early class since I started on this journey 33 days ago. My muscles worked harder than any evening or later morning class I have taken. It felt good to push myself.

Tomorrow, I will go lap swimming. Only having one day between Body Pump classes was rough, but in a good way. I'll be glad to have the chance to stretch all of my muscles out while swimming. I'm really anxious to get my Fitbit so I can see just how many calories I burn in class. Unfortunately, it's not waterproof, so I will just have to take my app's word for it that I am burning 500+ calories swimming laps. That's a pretty good amount of calories to be burning!

Not feeling particularly into the blog today, but I wanted to post about today's work-out. Back to the fighting kids and fussy baby. TGIF!!! Momma's tired.

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