Thursday, February 14, 2008

"Give it to God, pray that it's blessed, and He'll take care of the rest!"

The title of this blog is something that my mom always reminds me to do; I can't tell you how many times it has applied to my life...countless times.

We found out on Monday that Jenna does have a cleft palate in addition to a cleft lip. This news didn't come as a surprise since we've pretty much been preparing ourselves for this news. She's in God's hands and I know the future will be difficult at times, but just knowing that God is by our side and holding Jenna in His hands is comfort enough. Honestly, I think the future is going to be harder on us than on Jenna. Kids are so amazing about letting things roll off their backs and just moving along despite their circumstances. It will be amazing to see her overcome these obstacles.

This news is only going to increase the effective power of Jenna's testimony. She will be able to share her struggles with others and bring hope into their lives. That is my prayer for her and I know God will bless it.

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