Saturday, August 16, 2008

Well, last night was super fun :-) Lots of fun girls together for laughter and silliness. My SIL and I tied for losses...16 losses and only 8 wins! *haha* However, one girl did beat us out for the biggest loser prize...she lost 17 and only won 7! Even being a big loser has its advantages in BUNCO. Now that's my kinda game!!

Nick and Joshua are gone getting their hair cut. It's a monthly tradition for them and I think it's sweet that they go together and have their boy time at the barber shop ;-) Both were looking rather shaggy. Plus, Joshua needs to look good for his party guests tonight!

We're having a small party for Joshua this evening at my friend Johna's house. She's an honorary aunt and likes to open her home for guests. There will be around 20 people there. My SIL and oldest neice are making Joshua's cake! My neice loves to put her baking skills to work...especially since she completed a cake decorating class sometime ago. She definitely has her dad's artistic side and her mom's impressive skills in the kitchen! I'm anxious to get pictures and post them so you can all see her hard work. It's going to be a race car cake. Joshua has really been into cars lately. I hope the rain holds off...the kids are looking forward to playing in the sprinkler tonight! I can't believe Joshua's going to be 2 already *sniff* Don't get me started! I'm blubbering already...

Well, I better make my list of things I need for the party. Yes...I'm a procrastinator. Haven't you learned that about me already? ;-) Love you all!!

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