Monday, November 24, 2008

Jenna's surgery

I take Jenna to be admitted tomorrow for her surgery on Wednesday. Just a reminder, she's having her fundoplication re-done and she's having her hiatal hernia fixed. Ideally, she'll get to come home after 5 days of recovery. However, the surgeon's head nurse is making sure there is a bed for her in the PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit) simply because of what occurred after the initial surgery. Please pray she won't need that bed!

It will be so nice to have this surgery behind us. Jenna will be a much happier girl and will enjoy being on her tummy!!


Anonymous said...

You guys will be in our prayers. You have such a tough little girl.... Try to enjoy your Holiday in the hospital.

Brewer Family said...

I have faith that all will go well for your family and Jenna. You all with me in my thoughts and I will pray a special prayer for you too. Please let me know if you need anything. Christy has my number so please get it from her.

Mrs. Troop said...

We will pray for you all! And especially for sweet Jenna.
PLEASE let us know if you need anything. Would you be up for visits after Thursday?

God's Girl said...

Lord I pray for Jenna's surgery. Would You give the family Your peace? Would You give the doctors wisdom from above? Be with little Jenna O God. I pray that You would protect her and heal her.
