Sunday, November 2, 2008

Seven Random Things

I've been tagged by my SIL to list seven random things about myself, so here goes!

1. I don't hang onto clothes that don't fit me with the hope that they might fit again someday. I got this tip from the Today Show one day and I thought it was pure genius...mostly because I'm "forced" to buy new clothes when I lose weight *wink*

2. If I find a cute pair of shoes, I usually buy the same shoes in both black and brown. Yes, it's sad, I know.

3. I'm a big-time perfectionist when it comes to certain things. This drives Nick absolutely crazy!! If he tries to clean something, I usually re-do it after he's finished if it's not to my liking. Sorry honey!

4. I once applied to be on "The Biggest Loser." I submitted a video and everything! This was before I met Nick and got even huger. There's something to be said about the phrase "fat and happy."

5. I was on a YMCA swim team in high school. I had only learned to swim a few months prior to joining the team. Less than a year after joining, I broke the swim captain's record in her best event. She wasn't too thrilled with me. I also qualified for the Junior Olympics in a couple of events, but nobody ever told me until it was too late. Stinky! Who knows, I could've been an Olympian maybe ;-)

6. I desperately want to live on a piece of secluded land where I can't see neighbors' homes (no offense SIL), but have the convenience of getting to the city in a matter of minutes.

7. When I was a little girl, I use to dream of my prince charming. I was determined to find a man just like my oldest brother. My SIL is one blessed woman!!


God's Girl said...

Fun reading... thanks for sharing!

Mrs. Troop said...

Love the list!
We are sisters in many regards! :-) I love having shoes in black AND brown. And I don't save clothes, either. :-)
Happy Wednesday!