Wednesday, October 1, 2008

late night coffee junkie

Well, I went grocery shopping last night. Pretty much the only time I can go is after everyone is in bed, so at 8:30pm, I printed-off the grocery list and headed-out the door. My first stop was to Target. My dear friends are adopting two little boys from Liberia and we're (our church) going to have a shower for them :-) I bought them a crock-pot (which was on sale and the cost is being shared with a friend) and kitchen towels. I hope they're not reading this *haha* Oops! Oh well ;-)

After Target (9:45pm), I drug myself to Wal-Mart. Late at night is really the best time to go! There aren't too many others shopping, so you don't have to worry about the crowded aisles (my pet peeve), or the cramped parking lot and crazy drivers (another pet peeve). I found a new foundation that I think I'm going to like :-) It's by Rimmel London and is really reasonable in price! I've been using their eye-brown pencil for a long time and love it! Oh, I also bought hair dye...time to be dark for the fall and winter! My prized purchase, however, was coffee!! I bought some Folgers Gourmet Creme Brulee coffee! When I made it home (11:3o), I immediately started a pot and started cleaning the house. I feel so guilty not spending time with the kids during the day because I'm cleaning. I feel like I'm depriving them of the attention they deserve. I did become a stay-at-home-mom to be a mom and not a maid! Well, the house was (and still is) a wreck, so I didn't go to bed until 3am. I was really surprised by how awake the coffee kept me! It has been so long since I've had an entire pot ;-)

Okay, enough of that. Back to cleaning while the kids are sleeping!!

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