Monday, October 20, 2008

a special thank you

I'm just so blessed. I have a special friend who continues to bless me over and over again. Yesterday she and her husband gave me and Nick money to go see "Fireproof" (it was a much needed date and blessing)! Today, I called her and interrupted her home schooling for half an hour and she let me share my heart and she shared hers in return. Thank you so much, dear friend, for allowing the Lord to use you a mighty way in my life. I'm certain I would go nuts without your encouragement and listening ear!! There are no other friends in my life who can possibly understand what we're going through. Thank you for your endless wealth of information, guidance, and prayer. I'll never, ever be able to re-pay or thank you enough. I love you!!


God's Girl said...

Friends like this are special treasures from heaven for sure!

God is so good to give us special, encouraging, godly friends!

Liberia Adoption said...

You really don't need to thank me. I can NEVER repay so many people who have helped us along the way.I am so glad to be in some (crazy as it is) type of situation to be able to help you in any way. You have it all wrong sister. You are a blessing to us.