Saturday, October 11, 2008

we're back in business!

Our computer has been on the fritz this past week. Nick was able to get it up and running again yesterday. What a guy!

Nothing new to report regarding Jenna's health. We have a genetics appointment this coming Wednesday, so I'll have something new to share soon. Jenna has been grabbing at her toys more consistently and has started to hit some milestones which are important in development, so that's definitely been a huge highlight this week for us as a family :-) I'm pretty sure she's teething because whatever she can get to her mouth, she chews and sucks on. Thanks to her cleft, she can fit just about anything inside her mouth ;-)

Joshua knows most of the alphabet! I'm not talking about singing it either. He can actually point to letters and says their name. Yeah...he's a smarty :-) He has a hard time saying "x" and "j" sometimes and mixes "m" and "w" for obvious reasons, but other than that, he's quite impressive! We went grocery shopping today and he had a blast pointing to all of the letters he could see and said their names loud and proud! An older, asian gentleman found him particularly amazing. He came up to Joshua and praised him continuously while Joshua just beamed with self satisfaction. After his kind words, the gentleman kissed Joshua on the head and went on his way. I thought that was so sweet. I wouldn't normally appreciate a stranger coming in contact with my child without my permission, but he was precious and had only the best intentions.

Nick and I took our first whack at going through our garage/utility/storage area. I'm participating in a garage sale with two other friends next weekend, so we're trying to get some things together. We have so much junk! In this case, "we" refers to mostly Nick ;-) I like to chunk or donate things after a while. Pretty much all I have stored now is wedding momentos, Christmas decorations, books, and a couple of paintings. Nick's going to work on getting his shed in place tomorrow, so hopefully we'll be able to move most of his stuff (tools and such) out there and start making attempts at turning the wasted space into our family room. It's going to take a lot of work, but we're headed in the right direction at least!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was beginning to wonder about you. It is not like you to be so quiet for so long and I have missed updates on the kids......