Monday, October 27, 2008

transparency time

I'm really having a weak moment, so I thought that praying and blogging would help. I'm trying to sincerely praise the Lord and not let my anxiety and stress take control of that much needed time with the Lord (this is where satan really tries to get ahold of me). I find myself saying...

"Lord, You are my Most Precious Gift......
What if Jenna's glucose plummets and she starts seizing?"

"Father, You are so Mighty and Awesome......
What if Jenna aspirates during surgery?"

"Jesus, Your Love is Amazing......
What if the unthinkable happens and I lose her?"

I hate that the enemy so easily slips into my thoughts. It's almost always during my conversations with the Lord, but sometimes in my dreams. Sometimes I find myself literally standing-up and stomping the ground. I learned a song when I was a little girl and I don't quite remember how it goes, but it talks about satan being under your feet and how you can stomp on him. I usually say (as I'm stomping), "I'm washed in the blood of the Lamb and you can't touch me!" Afterwords, I thank the Lord that I'm His and for His sacrifice. It works too :-)

What do you do when you feel the enemy creeping in to cause trouble in your life?


God's Girl said...

Often, the enemy kicks us the hardest when we are already down. When that happens, I usually ask some faithful prayer warriors to pray for me because that is when it is most difficult to pray (like you described).

Lord, I do pray for Your peace to flow through this family. I pray that You would show Yourself strong to each one of them.

Mrs. Troop said...

Ask for prayer (you have, and we are).
Read the Psalms.
Reject the lies.

"You are loved with an everlasting love. And underneath are the everlasting arms."

Anonymous said...

Hilary, I am praying for your family today, and for the doctors and nurses caring for Miss Jenna.

Betsy Markman said...

I find it much more helpful to focus on my Lord than on my enemy! When I focus on the enemy and "defeating him," I end up focusing on my own strength (which is nothing compared to his) and I find no peace. When I focus on the Lord, I feel my dependence and HIS strength, and I find peace. His strength is what makes my enemy tremble!

math jedi said...

whatever it is, I don't do enough :(

Tea with Tiffany said...

Oh, Father God, please bring complete peace to this family during surgery. Send forth perfect peace. You are worthy! We trust you with sweet Jenna.