Thursday, January 9, 2014

Week 1, Day 4

Today, my body woke itself up before the alarm again, but this time it was 4:00am instead of 3:00am. One hour can make a HUGE difference, but this morning, I did not want to get up. Yesterday was draining. I'll explain why in another post. I managed to do 6 sets of 150 and a 100 cool down again, but it was much harder today than in days past. Still, I pushed myself more in some of the sets than in others. It felt good to push myself and it also felt good to be the best swimmer in the pool. I won't lie... It felt awesome to zoom past the guys in the lanes on either side of me. Both of them thinking they're hot shots and then the fat girl in the middle (me) smoked 'em! Okay... Time to lay the ego aside. The other day, there was a girl much better than me, but I was 2nd. Okay... Stop it! I get a little too competitive at times. Time to chill.

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